Page 5 - April 2023 CW Magazine
P. 5

As  an  adventure  and  breakthrough  coach,  I          Y is Yes to Boundaries!
        show you first-hand how to live in the moment            This relates to time blocking. If it is important
        without  regrets.  Bronnie  Ware,  the  author  of         to  you,  it  gets  scheduled  first.Self-care  is  not
        The  Top  Five  Regrets  of  Dying,  listed  as  #1,  “I  selfish.  You  cannot  pour  from  an  empty  cup.
        wish  I  had  the  courage  to  live  a  life  true  to  When  you  put  it  in  your  calendar,  it’s  an
        myself”. Everyone else becomes a priority, and           appointment  with  you.  It’s  non-negotiable.
        too many times we put ourselves at the end of            Trust me, I speak from experience. I have often
        a long list. Life is filled with “I have to” instead     filled my days with things that don’t bring me
        of “I get to”.                                           joy,  and  I  have  broken  down  and  sobbed
                                                                 because I was overwhelmed and stressed. It’s a
        I  created  an  acronym  to  help  support  you  in      great  question  to  ask  yourself…..will  this  bring
        making  the  most  of  your  time  to  live  the  life   me joy?
        you  create  by  design  rather  than  default.  Are
        you ready to take inspired action?
        Write this down: DO YOU!                                 O  is  Overthrow  the  To  Do

        D is for Digital Detox.                                  What did that just say? In my humble opinion,
        I  recently  read  in  the  book,  The  Ruthless
                                                                 the  to  do  list  is  a  disorganized  directory.
        Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer, that            Everything that is a priority and a non-priority
        the average person touches their phone 2,617             goes on it. Looks something like this: call back
                    have     become      dependent       on      important  clients,  return  emails,  pick  up  dry
        times a day. Yes, you read that right! We, as a
                                                                 cleaning,  feed  the  dog.  The  to  do  list  is  often
        technology. We are addicted like Pavlov’s dog.           never  ending  and  carries  over  day  after  day
        Our  text  messages  go  off,  and  we  are              after day. As human beings, we easily fall into
        responding  immediately  no  matter  what  we            “stinkin  thinkin”,  and  beat  ourselves  up  for
        are  currently  doing.  When  we  take  our  focus       what  didn’t  get  done  instead  of  celebrating
        off the current task, it takes the brain a good 5        what did get accomplished. This chips away at
        minutes  or  more  to  refocus  on  the  task  at        our self-esteem and self-worth. I am all about
        hand. What if you just turned all technology off         increasing  your  confidence,  self-esteem  and
        for an hour? I promise the world will not end.           worthiness.  Use  a  SUCCESS  list  instead.  It’s
        Take  that  hour  to  spend  quality  time  for          short,  no  more  than  3  items,  and  it’s  focused
        yourself  or  with  your  family  and  friends.  Pay     on the top priorities around your ultimate goal.
        attention  to  how  you  are  feeling  during  that      If that goal is to make more money, the items
        hour. Still think technology is not addicting?           on  the  success  list  are  result  producing  to
                                                                 create move revenue. Make sense?
        O is for OH NO!

         No  is  a  complete  sentence.  Many  times,  we
         don’t  like  to  say  no  because  we  want  to  be
         seen as helpful. Here is a key point. When you

         say  yes  to  a  request,  you  are  saying  no  to
         another priority in your life. It’s so important to
         consider what is being asked of you. Ask for 24
         hours  to  consider  a  request  or  new  project.
         Keep what is most important to you at the top
         of your priority list.

            THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN MAGAZINE                                I  5
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