Page 6 - April 2023 CW Magazine
P. 6

One  of  the  most  powerful  movies  that  I  saw
                                                                 was  the  Bucket  List  with  Jack  Nicholson  and
                                                                 Morgan  Freeman,  which  reminds  us  of  our
                                                                 mortality and living a life of adventure. We all
                                                                 have that bucket list. When was the last time
                                                                 you  pulled  it  out  and  started  to  live  it?  It
                                                                 doesn’t  have  to  be  grandiose  things.  I  have
                                                                 participated  in  exercises  that  ask,  “If  you  had
                                                                 24  hours  left  on  this  earth,  what  would  you
                                                                 do?” Consider what you would put on your list.
                                                                 It wouldn’t be to earn more money or to work
                                                                 more  hours.  I  am  sure  it  would  consist  of
                                                                 watching  the  sunrise,  spending  time  with
                                                                 loved  ones,  maybe  asking  for  forgiveness,  or
                                                                 telling  everyone  in  your  life  how  much  they
                                                                 mattered.  You  would  just  be  in  the  moment,
                                                                 enjoying  each  and  every  moment  because  it
                                                                 was your last. It’s an exercise that you could do
                                                                 right  now  at  this  very  moment.  Being  in  the
                                                                 moment.  Being  truly  happy.  Being  in  love.
                                                                 Being  you.  Remember,  we  are  human  beings
        U is for Uniquely You!                                   not human doings.

        We were all put on this earth for a purpose, and         Each  day  is  a  gift,  and  we  have  a  choice  to
                                                                 make  on  how  we  live  that  gift.  The  most
        we all have a message to share that is unique to
        us!  You  are  enough.  Read  that  again.  Be           precious  gift  you  can  give  someone  is  your
        authentic     and     true    to   who     you     are   time  and  attention.  What  is  it  that  you  truly
        EVERYWHERE. Don’t compartmentalize your life.            want  to  be  doing  at  this  moment?  Go  ahead
        I used to be one way with friends, another way at        and take a step in the direction of your dreams
        work, and someone else with a significant other.         that have been burning a fire in your belly for
        It’s  exhausting.  I  love  to  have  fun  and  be       so  long.  Stop  waiting  for  everything  to  be
        memorable with costumes, googly eyed glasses,            perfect  or  for  the  right  moment  or  for
        and corny jokes. I show up the same everywhere.          permission. We all have doubts and fears. Stop
        Trust me, I can be seen around town in costumes          letting them hold you back from creating a life
        for  every  holiday.  I  wear  a  version  of  an  Elf   that you desire. You are a precious gift to this
        costume  every  day  in  December  no  matter            world and to those in your life. The moment is
        where I go. It’s who I am, and it brings a smile to      now!  Live  life  boldly,  passionately,  and  out
        so many. Sure, I get some eye rolls and stares. I        loud! Remember,
        know  they  are  secretly  thinking  they  wish  they
        could  be  wearing  a  costume  too.  What  makes
        you memorable? These days smiling, making eye                       STOP WAITING and
        contact, and acknowledging people with a hello                          START LIVING!
        will make you unique.
                                                                                                        Julie Jones
                                                                               The Adventures of Julie Jones, LLC

        6  I                            THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN MAGAZINE
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