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Ventura Orthopedics
    2021 Employee Benefits Brochure

               Medical Plans

                         Blue Shield Full PPO Savings Embedded Deductible 4000

                                                     In- Network                       Out-of-Network

          Deductible: (Combined medical and
          pharmacy deductible)
          Individual                                    $4,000                         $4,000
          Individual/Family                             $4,000/$8,000                 $4,000/$8,000

          Calendar Year Out-of-Pocket Maximum:
          Individual                                    $6,000                         $10,000
          Family                                        $12,000                        $20,000

          Hospital Services:
          Inpatient                                     20%*                        50%*-Max $600/day
                                                                                    +100% additional services
          Outpatient Surgery                            20%*                        50%*-Max $350/day
                                                                                    +100% additional services
          Emergency Room                                $150/visit + 20%*           $150/visit + 20%*
          (copay waived if admitted)

          Physician Services:
          Office Visit (PCP/Specialist)                 20%*                          50%*
          Diagnostic Lab & X-Ray                        20%*                          50%*
          Imaging (CT/PET scans, MRIs)                  20%*                          50%*
          Urgent Care                                   20%*                          50%*
          Acupuncture\Chiropractic (limit 20 visits)    20%*                          50%*
          Teledoc Consultation                          $0/Consult                    Not Covered

          Routine Care:
          Preventative Checkups                       No charge                        Not Covered
          Pre-Natal Maternity                         20%*                             50%*

          Prescription Drugs:
          Tier 1                                $10 retail/$20 mailorder*         25%* + $10/RX , mail order -N/A
          Tier 2                                $15 retail/$30 mailorder*         25%* + $15/RX , mail order -N/A
          Tier 3                                $30 retail/$60 mail order*        25%* + $30/RX , mail order -N/A
          Tier 4 (Specialty Drugs)              30%-Max, up to $250/RX*           30%-Max, up to $250/RX*
          DME (Durable Medical Equipment)        20%*                             50%*

          Retail Rx:            Up to a 30 day supply from Blue Shields RX Ultra Network
          Mail Oder Rx:         Up to 90 day supply from Blue Shields RX Ultra Network
                                   *after deductible

          H.S.A- Health savings account is a tax-exempt savings account that, when paired with a qualified high-deductible plan (HDHP),
          can be used to pay for certain medical expenses.

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