Page 8 - VO 2021 Employee Benefits_No Notices
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Ventura Orthopedics
    2021 Employee Benefits Brochure

               Employee Contributions

          Your contributions toward the cost of benefits are automatically deducted from your paycheck on a pre- tax basis.
          The rates below are Monthly. The amount will depend on the plan you select and if you choose to cover eligible
          family members.

               Medical Contributions
               Blue Shield Trio HMO                                   Blue Shield PPO 25/2500
               Employee only                $102.97                   Employee only                $184.76
               Employee + spouse            $772.30                   Employee + spouse            $1,385.66
               66Employee + child(ren)      $463.35                   Employee + child(ren)        $831.39
               Employee + family            $1081.20                  Employee + family            $1,939.91

               Blue Shield PPO Savings (HSA)
               Employee only                $132.81
               Employee + spouse            $996.09
               Employee + child(ren)        $597.66
               Employee + family            $1,394.53

               Dental Contributions                                   Vision Contributions
               Humana Dental PPO                                      VSP Vision
               Employee only                $34.86                    Employee only                $8.97
               Employee + spouse            $69.70                    Employee + spouse            $15.40
               Employee + child(ren)        $97.33                    Employee + child(ren)        $15.71
               Employee + family            $134.54                   Employee + family            $25.33

               Humana Dental HMO
               Employee only                $15.01
               Employee + spouse            $34.21
               Employee + child(ren)        $28.81
               Employee + family            $48.61

               Important Contacts:
                                                                Phone                          Website

               Blue Shield (Medical HMO)                    1-888-256-3650    
               Blue Shield (Medical PPO)                    1-888-319-5999    
               Humana (Dental PPO)                          1-800-233-4013       
               Humana (Dental HMO)                          1-888-703-6999   
               VSP (Vision)                                 1-800-877-7195         
               Discovery (FSA/Dependent Care)               1-866-451-3399   
               Nationwide (Pet Insurance)                   1-877-738-7874   

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