Page 235 - taiwan
P. 235

          Nama                :
          Direktur            :
          Alamat Kantor       :
          No Telp / HP, Email   :
          F. Data Agensi
          Nama Agen           :  Mr. ALEX
          Alamat              : Taiwan
          No. Telp/HP, Email   :
          G. Data Pengguna
          Nama                : Ying Shun 368
          Alamat              :
          No Telp             :
          H. Data
          Tanggal Berangkat   : 15 Agustus 2019
          Negara Tujuan       : Fiji
          Tanggal Habis       :  15 Agustus 2019
          Kontrak                 15 Agustus 2021
          Jenis Pekerjaan     : ABK Perikanan
          Dokumen           1.  :

          I. Penyedia Kredit
          J. Kronologis Kasus    1.  INFORMASI/INFORMATION
                                    Awal proses mendapatkan informasi  pada awal bulan
                                    April  2019
                                    The process of obtaining information began in early
                                    April 2019

                                 2.  SPONSOR/SPONSOR
                                    Melalui sponsor pak Mamat
                                    Through Mr. Mamat's sponsorship

                                 3.  DOKUMEN/DOCUMENTS
                                    Tata cara persyaratan pengurusan dokumen
                                    Procedures for document processing requirements
                                      a.  Dokumen apa saja yang diserahkan ke
                                         sponsor/PT tersebut , Ijazah MI  , KTP Asli, KK   Commented [1]: #07 Migrant Fishermen submitting
                                                                                      original documents to the manning agency during the
                                                                                      registration period (waiting period before departure) is
                                         Akte, SKCK .                                 included in the withholding of documents because
                                         What documents are submitted to the          Migrant Fishermen cannot access these documents for
                                                                                      other purposes such as applying for work with other
                                         sponsor/PT, MI diploma, original ID card, Family   companies.
                                         Card, Police record certificate.             Commented [2]: Was the passport being retained while
                                      b.  Paspor , Buku Pelaut , BST Diurus oleh pihak   the fisher working on the vessel and couldn't get it
                                         PT.                                          back?
                                         Passport, Seaman's Book, BST Managed by PT.   Commented [3]: Possible retention of identity
                                                                                      documents (07)
                                                                                      Commented [4]: no
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