Page 238 - taiwan
P. 238

                                      a.  Selama kerja 22  bulan kapal pernah sandar
                                         untuk mengantarkan orang sakit di Peru.
                                         During the 22 months of work, the ship once   Commented [13]: (Possible) 04 Isolation- Was the
                                         docked to deliver sick people to Peru.       fisher able to communicate with anyone on land?
                                      b.  Untuk Bongkar muatan hanya dilakukan di     Commented [14]: (Possible) 03 Restriction of
                                         tengah laut , oleh kapal Collecting.         movement- Was the fisher allowed to enter the port?
                                         Loading and unloading can only be done in the   Were the identity documents retained while docking?

                                         middle of the sea, by a collecting ship.     And any more information on the sick fisher? What
                                                                                      symptoms and any relevant observations onboard?
                                 7.  METODE PEMBAYARAN GAJI/SALARY PAYMENT
                                      a.  Gaji akan di transfer pada rekening keluarga ,
                                         atas nama  Ibu metode gajin delegasi per tiga
                                         The salary will be transferred to the family
                                         account, in the mother's name, using the
                                         delegated salary method every three months.
                                      b.  Yang mengirimkan atas nama  Pak Muhamad.
                                         The one who sent it was in the name of Mr.

                                 8.  PEMINDAHAN/TRANSFER
                                    Selama kapal beroperasi kapal  hanya memindahkan
                                    muatan kapal .
                                    While the ship is operating the ship only moves the
                                    ship's cargo.                                     Commented [15]: what does this mean? is the fish
          3. Kepulangan          1.  CARA DARI KAPAL KE PELABUHAN/WAY FROM SHIP TO PORT   transshipment only between the ship and carrier?
                                      a.  Alasan kepulangan  di finishkan.
                                         The reason for returning is finalized.
                                      b.  Bagaimana proses kepulangan  kapal menuju
                                         Taiwan perjalanan kurang lebih selama 12 hari.
                                         How does the ship return to Taiwan take approximately 12
                                      c.  Kemudian kapal sampai ke Taiwan
                                         Then the ship arrived at Taiwan
                                      d.  Dari Taiwan  di karantina di Khousiyung selama 15 hari ,
                                         kemudian di terbangkan ke Indonesia menuju Bandara
                                         Soekarno hatta , kemudian di karantina di Wisma Atlet
                                         selama 5 hari.
                                         From Taiwan he was quarantined in Khousiyung for 15
                                         days, then flown to Indonesia to Soekarno Hatta Airport,
                                         then quarantined at Wisma Atleet for 5 days.

                                 2.  KEPULANGAN
                                      a.  Setelah dari karantina pulang ke rumah masing
                                         After quarantine, they returned to their respective homes
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