Page 237 - taiwan
P. 237

Singapore, trus melanjutkan ke Fiji  , perjalanan
                                    kurang lebih selama 19 jam
                                    Ticket Management by the office
                                    Departs on August 15 2019 via the airportSoekarno-
                                    Hatta then transited in Singapore, then continued to Fiji,
                                    a journey of approximately 19 hours

                                 2.  NEGARA TUJUAN & PENJEMPUTAN/COUNTRY OF
                                    DESTINATION & PICK UP
                                    Negara Tujuan Fiji ,
                                    Penjemputan oleh pihak Agensi , kemudian dibawa ke
                                    kapal Ying Shun 368.
                                    Destination Country Fiji,
                                    Picked up by the agency, then taken to the Ying Shun
                                    368 ship.

                                 3.  KAPAL/BOAT
                                      a.  Nama kapal sesuai dengan yang ada di PKL .
                                         Yaitu kapal Ying Shun 368
                                         The name of the ship corresponds to that on the
                                         Namely the Ying Shun 368 ship
                                      b.  Daerah Operasi Fiji
                                         Jenis ikan yang di tangkap Tuna
                                         Fiji Area of Operations
                                         The type of fish caught Tuna
                                      c.  Kapal pernah menempel dengan kapal lain yang
                                         masih satu bos , kadang transfer makanan.
                                         The ship was attached to another ship with the
                                         same boss, sometimes transferring food.      Commented [11]: Was there anything else being
                                                                                      transferred? Fish?
                                 4.  KONDISI & FASILITAS/CONDITIONS & FACILITIES     Commented [12]: if there is tuna/fish transhipment
                                    Kondisi di atas kapal  masih  layak, makanannya   between two fishing vessels, then it's IUU activity.
                                    masih layak, Minumannya air  suling . air untuk
                                    mandi tidak susah.
                                    The conditions on the ship are still decent, the food is
                                    still decent,The drink is distilled water. water for
                                    bathing is not difficult.
                                    Fasilitas alat  untuk kerja di berikan yang baru ,
                                    sepatu , sarung tangan , jas hujan , baju kerja.
                                    Diberikan Cuma sekali saja.
                                    New tools for work are provided, shoes, gloves,
                                    raincoats, work clothes. Only given once.

                                 5.  KEKERASAN/VIOLENCE
                                    Selama bekerja saya sendiri tidak pernah
                                    mendapatkan kekerasan fisik.
                                    During my work I never experienced physical violence.
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