Page 236 - taiwan
P. 236
c. Adakah Dokumen yang harus ditahan untuk
menjadi jaminan
Is the document that should be withheld to be a
d. Semua data di ubah tanggal lahir nya oleh
pihak kantor.
All data was changed to the date of birth by the
office. Commented [5]: Do you mean the manning agency
replaced the fisher's original identity documents with
Di tempatkan di PT Jasdaf Putra Samudra Commented [6]: Yes.
Placed at PT Jasdaf Putra Samudra adanya kegiatan pemalsuan dokumen Zeze yang
dilakukan oleh pihak PT. JPS membuat Zeze berada
dalam posisi hukum yang rentan karena dokumen
identitas adalah palsu (#01)
5. PROSES/PROCESS Terjadi indikator #02 penipuan karena dokumen
BST melakukan Training di PT. Siemen Jaya selama 3 identitas Zeze dipalsukan oleh pihak perusahaan.
hari. ( KLM ) there were Zeze document falsification activities carried
BST conducts training at PT. Siemen Jaya for 3 days. out by PT. JPS put Zeze in a vulnerable legal position
because the identity document was fake (#01)
(KLM) Indicator #02 of deception occurred because Zeze's
Kapan Tanda Tangan Perjanjian Kerja Laut(PKL)dan A identity documents were forged by the company.
pa isi dari PKL tersebut
When to Sign the Maritime Work Agreement (PKL) and A Commented [7]: Did the fisher get a copy of the
what is the content of the street vendor? contract (both with the manning agency and the vessel
a. Tanda tangan PKL , 15 Agustus 2019 owner)?
PKL signature, August 15th 2019
Hanya selembar kertas rincian Gaji ,
Nama kapal Ying Shun 368 ( 22 bulan )
Berbendera Taiwan
Rincian gaji , gaji 450 USD , 400 transfer , 50 USD
diatas kapal .
Jaminan 1000 USD.
Just a piece of paper Salary details,
Nama kapal Ying Shun 368 (22 bulan)
Taiwanese flag
Salary details, salary 450 USD, 400 transfer, 50
USD on board.
Jaminan 1000 USD Commented [8]: What does this mean? Is it related to
c. Didalam PKL Menggunakan bahasa China, Inggris debt?
dan Indonesia. Commented [9]: The word translation seems to
guarantee fee, if so, then the Indicator 9
The street vendors use China, English and Commented [10]: yes, it is a guarantee fee
Penempatan/Place TICKETS
ment Time Pengurusan Tiket oleh pihak kantor
Berangkat pada tanggal 15 Agustus 2019 lewat
bandara Soekarno-hatta kemudian transit di