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                                                                              ORAL PRESENTER

                          Nutritional Science and Food    Food Science and Technology (B)    Agrotechnology and Crop Science  Fisheries and Aquaculture (D)
                          Service (A)                                                        (C)

            Time      No.
                          ?MTID=mc6af7a2f63fde927cf071 MTID=m80f45592af488be00a100b60 TID=m05e60f2dc84de3192dadbe72e MTID=m759019a015821a496f57ce30
                          ebb1804784a                     3cc16316                           c5ce0d2                            93d1ba8a

            10.00am -  001   NUR ARINA NUHA ABDUL         SAI MANOGNA KOTAKADI               HAN MENG TEO                       ASRA-ASWADI NOR IZATY
            10.15am       NASIR
                                                          Synthesis and Characterization of   Distribution of Potential Halophytes   Phytochemical and Toxicological
                          Evaluation of Antioxidant       Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles      Associated HT-PGPB from The        Analysis of Banana Leaf (Musa
                          Properties of Leaves and Barks   Using Syzygium Cumini and         Mangroves of Terengganu            acuminata x balbisiana) For
                          extracts of Neolamarckia cadamba   Evaluation of In Vitro Anti-Oxidant                                Application in Siamese Fighting Fish
                                                          And Anti-Microbial Activity of                                        Aquaculture

            10.15am -  002  THATHAPUDI DAVEEDU            SOFWAN HAKIMI                      MOHAMMAD AHSANUL ISLAM             CHE AZARULZAMAN CHE JOHAN
                          Developmental Toxic Effects of   Physicochemical Properties and SDS- Estimating Forest Structure and   Molecular Epidemiology of
                          Deltamethrin, A Type II Synthetic   PAGE Profile of Fish Sauce at   Carbon Content of Mangroves in a   Megalocytivirus In Freshwater
                          Pyrethroid on Male Reproductive   Different Fermentation Stages: Budu  Tropical Lagoon Ecosystem at Setiu,   Angelfish (Pterophyllum scallare)
                          Health in Rats                                                     Malaysia, South China Sea          From Malaysia

            10.30am -  003  `ATIAH MUNIRAH MELI           NOORAIN NASUHA                     SHARIFAH NUR INTANSABITAH          LOGAJOTHISWARAN
            10.45am                                                                          SYED AHMAD PUTRA                   AMBALAVANAN
                          Assessment of Dietary Intakes,   Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted
                          Nutritional Status, Physical Activity  Enzymatic Extraction Conditions on   Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza and   Molecular Detection of
                          and Cognitive Performances      Yield, Antioxidant Activity and Gel   Storage Temperature on Postharvest  Phycodnaviruses Using DNA
                          among Fishermen’s Children in   Strength of Agar From Red Seaweed  Quality of Clinacathus nutans Lindau,  Polymerase B (pol B) Gene From
                          Terengganu                      (Gracilaria fisheri)               Grown on Bris Soil                 Sponge Species and Seawater
                                                                                                                                Surrounding Terengganu Islands
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