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                                                                              POSTER PRESENTER

                              Nutritional Science and Food     Food Science and Technology (B)  Agrotechnology and Crop Science     Fisheries and Aquaculture (D)
              Time        No.   Service (A)                                                      (C)

                              ?MTID=mc6af7a2f63fde927cf071 MTID=m80f45592af488be00a100b6 TID=m05e60f2dc84de3192dadbe72e MTID=m759019a015821a496f57ce3
                              ebb1804784a                      03cc16316                         c5ce0d2                            093d1ba8a

              2.00pm -    013  ISLAM NAJEEB                    PREETHI ALEKHYA KUSAMPUDI         NUR AINU FARHAH BINTI RABAE        SITI ZURAIDA ZULKIPLI
                             Comparison of Glycemic Load       Isolated Compounds with           Silicic Acid Enable Silicon (Si) Uptake   Histology Changes in the Marine
                             Between Raw and Processed         Antipyretic and Analgesic Activity: A  of Pepper Plant (Piper nigrum L.) and  Tilapia by Mercury and Cysteine in A
                             Stingless Bee Honey and Raw and  Review                             Accumulate with Other Nutrients    Multi-Tissue Approaching
                             Processed Honey Bee Honey

                              NUR NADZIRAH AZIZ                NUR FADZIRA ANUA                  DILIPKUMAR MASILAMANY              CHENJI VENKATRAYULU
              2.05pm -    014
              2.10pm         Development and Validation of an  Assessment On Quality and Stability  Effective Method to Control Weedy   Influence of Probiotic Bacteria on
                             Online Nutritional Database       of Oven Dried Aril Gac (Momordica  Rice in Direct-Seeded Rice Culture    Immunity Enhancement and Survival
                             Management System (DietCARE): A  cochinchinensis Spreng) Powder and                                    of White Shrimp Litopenaeus
                             Research Protocol                 Its Application in Ice Cream                                         Vannamei (Boone, 1931)

              2.10pm -    015  OLUFUNKE JOHNSON                MUHAMMAD AMIRUN CHE               WAN ALIA AMIERA WAN ZAIDI          KADURU VENKAIAH
              2.15pm                                           HASSAN
                             Evaluation of Knowledge and                                         The Potential of Silica Solubilizing   Expression of Selected Genes
                             Compliance of Food Handlers with  Anaerobic Bacteria Status on      Bacteria as Biodegrader and Plant   Associated with Ovarian Maturation
                             Food Hygiene Regulations 2009 In  Selected Home-Based Food Products  Growth Promoter in Rice (Oryza    in Mud Crab, Scylla serrata Following
                             Cyberjaya, Selangor Malaysia      Sold Throughout Malaysia          sativa)                            Eyestalk Ablation and Retinoid
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