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P. 13

2.15pm -    016                                  MOHAMAD FAUZI MAHMUD              HADIZA ALIYU ABDULLAHI             JAYA BHARGAVI BONDALAWADA
                                                               A Study on Different Study        Effect of Seed Priming on Germination  Biotransformation Of Phenol to
                                                               Extraction Method on Stingless Bee  and Seedling Growth of Andrographis  Glutamate by Corynebacterium
                                                               Honey                             paniculata                         Glutamicum ATCC 13032: Molecular
                                                                                                                                    and Biochemical Studies

              2.20pm -    017                                  SARA SAAD                         TAHIR DALORIMA                     RIYAD TAGUEMOUNT
                                                               Microbiological Quality of Ready-To- Application Rates of Poultry Manure   Water Stability and Floatation Test
                                                               Eat Seafoods: A Review            on the Biochemical Properties of   of Innovative Egg Custard
                                                                                                 Watermelon Varieties               Formulation Using Sodium Alginate
                                                                                                                                    and Catalyst for Macrobrachium
                                                                                                                                    rosenbergii larvae

              2.25pm -    018                                  DEIA AL-TAWALBEH                  MUHAMMAD AMALI AIZAT               WAN NUR AMIRAH WAN YUSLAN
                                                               Recent Advances of In-Vitro and In-  Molecular Identification and Effect of  Effect Of Bio-Organic Fertilizer and
                                                               Vivo Studies of Antioxidant and ACE  Non-Aerated Compost Tea on Fungal  Agro-Industrial Residue on The
                                                               Inhibitory Peptides Isolated from   Pathogen and Seed Germination of   Growth and Reproduction of
                                                               Legume Protein Hydrolysates: A    Chilli                             Cyclopoid Copepod, Oithona rigida
                                                               Narrative Prospects for Potential                                    (Giesbrecht, 1896)
                                                               Therapeutic Supplements

              2.30pm -    019                                  SITI NUR AMANI AZAMI              MUAADH AL- SALAHI                  NASORRIAH NASIR
                                                               Physicochemical Properties of     Preliminary Characterization of    Potential Fish Bone Meal as
                                                               Various Commercial Chili Sauces in   Morphological Characteristics of   Alternative Protein in Diet of
                                                               Malaysia                          Momordica cochinchinensis Landraces  Freshwater Giant Prawn and Plant
                                                                                                 Collected from Different Regions of   Production in Aquaponic System

              2.35pm -    020                                  NOR SALASIAH MOHAMED              NABIHAH ZAKARIA                    NAJIB MOHD NASIR
                                                               Red Bigeye (Priacanthus           Potential of Biodegrader-Trichoderma  Functional Group Diversity and
                                                               macracanthus) Protein as a Potential                                 Composition of Benthos in Relation
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