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Precursor of Bioactive Peptides   with Plant Growth Promoting        to Environmental Differences in
                                                               Using an In Silico Approach       Properties for Rice (Oryza sativa L.)   Marguerite Trough

                                                               KONDA SWATHI                      HOMAA FAEZAH MOINUDDIN             JING KAI OOI
              2.40pm -    021
              2.45pm                                           Formulation and Evaluation of     Effects of Gamma Radiation on      Fish Larval Composition in The
                                                               Intimate Hygiene Wash Containing   Morphological Behaviour of M1V2   Estuary and Adjacent Coastal Waters
                                                               Active Phytoconstituents          Population of Vanilla Planifolia   of Kuala Terengganu

              2.45pm -    022                                  PANJUGULA MANISHA                 NURUL SAKINAH DIN                  MUHAMMAD AIMAN MAS'UD
                                                               Isolated Compounds with Anti-     Utilization of Agroindustrial Residues  Preliminary Result of Fish
                                                               convulsant Activity: A Review     in Optimizing Fish Feed Formulation   Composition from New Innovative
                                                                                                                                    Design of Squid Trap at Batu Rakit,
                                                                                                                                    Terengganu, Malaysia

              2.50pm -    023                                  AIDA BINTI RUSLI                  FRISA IRAWAN GINTING               UMAR MODIBBO
                                                               Effect of Honey Powder Substitution  Changes in Landscape of Anak    Fish Diversity in Relation to Water
                                                               on the Calorie Value, Antioxidant   Krakatau After Eruption December   Quality and Livelihood Economics of
                                                               Activities and Alpha-Amylase      2018 and Geochemical Characteristics  Fishermen in River Benue, Nigeria
                                                               Inhibition in Dark Chocolate      of Tephra

              2.55pm -    024                                                                    GHAITH MANSOUR                     MOHD BASID JAAFAR
                                                                                                 Expanding the Field of Adjuvated   Length Frequency and The Length-
                                                                                                 Vaccines for Sustainable Animal    Weight Relationships of Wild
                                                                                                 Agriculture                        Pangasius Nasutus in Pahang River,

              3.00pm -    025                                                                                                       PRINCE RUFUS
                                                                                                                                    Biometric and Electrophoretic
                                                                                                                                    Studies of Grouper Species (Family:
                                                                                                                                    Serranidae) From the Middle East
                                                                                                                                    Coast of India
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