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Microbes In Agri-Food Production
Faculty of Science and Marine Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala
Nerus Terengganu, Malaysia.
Climate change, anthropogenic effects from urbanization, industrialization, and gases released
from the utilization of chemically synthetic fertilizers and pesticides cause adverse effects on
the agroecosystem and agri-food production. The ecofriendly source of Agro input by utilizing
the microbes shall be the main strategy in agri-food production. For a decade, microbes have
been synergistically and symbiotically associated with plants. This mutual interaction benefits
plants in many forms including sources of mineral nutrients (fertilizers) and protection against
phytopathogens (biopesticides). The microbes are known for natural nitrogen fixation, mineral
solubilization, degradation of organics and polluted materials as well as improving soil health.
During the decomposition process, microbes convert the organic materials to minerals,
proteins, amino acids, and sugars. Additionally, few biologically active metabolites are also
released into the environment and soil. These metabolites naturally act as biopesticides or
biocides (phytoalexin or pathotoxins) that control the pests. The activities of the biocides are
highly targeted organisms, non-persistence in the environment, and nontoxic to farmers.
Moreover, the microbes also enable to mitigate the abiotic stress such as drought, salinity, and,
heavy metal pollution faced by the crops. In this regard, effective microbes with multi-tasking
would enhance agri-food production and benefit the farmers. The dependent on the
synthetically input for agri-food production must be replaced with eco-friendly resources.
Keywords: biocides, climate change, diseases, fertilizers, phytopathogens, pests