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Assessment of dietary intakes, nutritional status, physical activity and cognitive performances
                                        among fishermen’s children in Terengganu

                                    1 Atiah Munirah Meli,  Asma’ Ali*,  Hayati Mohd Yusof

                     1 Department of Food Science, Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science, Universiti Malaysia
                                    Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia

               *Corresponding author:

               This study aims to assess the risk of dietary intakes, nutritional status, physical activity and associated
               factors  toward  cognitive  performances  among  fishermen’s  children  aged  7  to  11  years  old  in
               Terengganu. The diet adequacy was determined using a 24-hour food recall over two days, one on a
               weekday and the other on a weekend. Furthermore, the children's anthropometric measurements were
               analysed by calculating their BMI-for-age and height-for-age, as well as a median urinary iodine test to
               detect the iodine content in urine. Physical activity is measure using Physical Activity Questionnaire
               for  Children  (PAQ-C)  that  categorized  into  three  classification  which  is  low,  moderate  and  high.
               Sociodemographic profile questionnaire also be use. Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices were used
               to assess their cognitive abilities, with the standard score of the exam indicating whether they were
               intellectually superior, definitely above average, average, below average, or intellectually impaired.
               Result  shown  that  the  fishermen’s  children  have  adequate  intake  of  calorie/energy,  protein,  fat,
               carbohydrates, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin A, zinc, iron and sodium but poor
               intake of dietary fibre, thiamine, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium and potassium. Most of the
               children have normal height-for-age and BMI-for-age. However, more than a half of them have iodine
               deficiency. There are 75.5% of the targeted fishermen’s children have moderate physical activity level
               in  term  of  physical  activity.  Only  height-for-age,  primary  school  (dummy  variable  for  ‘mother’s
               education level’) and sodium shows significant association toward cognitive performance. The most
               risk  factor  of  the  poor  cognitive  among  fishermen’s  children  in  Terengganu  is  height-for-age  and
               sodium intake. It is suggested that more myriad variable outside dietary adequacy, nutritional status,
               physical activity, socio-demographic such as social environment or stress events are suggested in order
               to know more about risk factor of the poor cognitive.

               Keywords: Dietary intakes, Nutritional status, Physical activity, Cognitive performances, Fishermen’s
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