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Comparison of glycemic load between raw and processed stingless bee honey and raw and
                                                processed honey bee honey

                                     1 Islam Mustafa Ahmad Najeeb,  Hayati Mohd Yusof*

                   1 Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus,
                                                  Terengganu, Malaysia.

                *Corresponding author:

               Honey is a natural source and a common sweetener, dietary substance produced by bees. It is mostly
               made  up  of  sugars  and  a few minor components,  such  as  amino acids, organic  acids,  carotenoids,
               vitamins, minerals, and aromatic substances. It is also rich in flavonoid-containing compounds and may
               display antioxidant action. The purpose of this study was to compare the glycemic load between four
               groups of honey samples (raw stingless bee honey, processed stingless bee honey, raw honey bee honey,
               and processed honey bee honey). Low GL foods (less than 10) are recommended, because the higher
               GL, means a larger expected increase in blood glucose. Thermal processing treatments could change
               honey properties, and different results were obtained even though we applied a constant amount of
               honey. Ten subjects were chosen for a study on glycemic load. The participant was given 50 g of pure
               glucose in 250 ml of water for the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and 25 g of pure glucose in 250
               ml of water as a reference food. The blood glucose response was measured and compared to the reaction
               to 25 g of available glucose carbohydrates used one-way ANOVA. The glycemic load of pure glucose
               was 14.8 and raw stingless bee honey was 5.27, while processed stingless bee honey was 5.3 and raw
               honey bee honey was 6.96, and 5.78 for processed honey bee honey. There was a significant difference
               between pure glucose and four test honey samples in glycemic load (p<0.05). The study found that raw
               stingless bee honey had the lowest value of the glycemic load.

               Keywords: Glycemic load, Raw stingless bee honey, Processed stingless bee honey, Raw honey bee
               honey, Processed honey bee honey.
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