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Relationship of dining experience risk factors with tourist’s willingness to try local food at
                                               island setting in Terengganu.

                                    1 Norsyakira Ahmadi,  Asma’ Ali,  Wan-Zainal-Shukri*

                   1 Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus,

               * Corresponding author:

               Good food experience during vacation is crucial to satisfy tourist’s needs and wants for authentic local
               food consumption. However, when encountered with new environments, foods, and cultures, tourists
               may  expose  to  various  dining  risks  wherein  it  will  affect  tourists’  overall  destination  experiences.
               Tourists could potentially face many uncertainties and challenges, including unfamiliar taste, danger
               (unsafe for consumption), fear of unknown food as well as infectious diseases risk. Thus, this study is
               aimed at exploring impact of dining risk factors on willingness to try local food among tourists who
               had visited Redang and Perhentian islands, in Terengganu. It utilised survey questionnaires which were
               conducted through online platform using Google form involving four hundred and seventeen (417)
               tourists from April 2021 until August 2021. Out of 417 completed questionnaires received, only 363
               valid questionnaires were accepted. Data obtained from the survey questionnaires were performed using
               the latest version of Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) as well as analytical statistic
               (Spearman Correlation coefficients). The findings depicted that place attachment towards island and
               acceptance  on  new  normalcy  (effect  of  pandemic  Covid-19)  significantly  correlated  with  tourist’s
               willingness to try local food. Meanwhile, Neophobia tendency, health initiative and awareness as well
               as emotional connection showed weak or no relationship with the dependent variable. The implications
               of this research will provide insights for Ministry of Tourism and Culture (MOTAC), stakeholders,
               tourism marketers and hospitality businesses in promoting local food, strengthened overall tourists’
               memorable tourism experience, as well as improving their quality of gastronomic products and services
               in the future.

               keywords: Island tourists, Local food, Willingness-to-try, Risk perception, Multilinear regression, Post-
               pandemic travel effect.
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