Page 34 - G43 ASSIGNMENT
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Specific manifestation:  Early symptoms of sepsis should not be ignored. These include:

                •  fever usually higher than 101˚F (38˚C).

                •  low body temperature (hypothermia).
                •  fast heart rate.

                •  rapid breathing, or more than 20 breaths per minute.

             Symptoms of severe sepsis include:

               •  noticeably lower amounts of urine.

               •  acute confusion.
               •  dizziness.

               •  severe problems breathing.
               •  bluish discoloration of the digits or lips (cyanosis).

            Treatment: Doctors use a number of medications to treat septic shock, including:

               •  intravenous antibiotics to fight infection.

               •  vasopressor medications, which are drugs that constrict blood vessels and help increase blood

               •  insulin for blood sugar stability.
               •  corticosteroids.

        References :

        1)Merck Manual, Consumer Version: "Shock," "Anaphylactic Reactions

         American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology: "Anaphylaxis.";2020

        2)ScienceDirect. (n.d.). Neurogenic shock - an overview.

        3)Septic shock. (2015, February 18)

        4) Dellinger, P. R., Levy, M. M., Rhodes, A., Annane, D., Gerlach, H., Opal, . . . Moreno, R., (2013, February).
        Surviving sepsis campaign: International guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock:
        2012. Critical Care Medicine, (41)2. Retrieved from

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