P. 27

SAAT BIOLOGY                         MR.MOHAMED ELGAYAR                               MRPROF.NET
               Human Male Reproductive System:

               Its structure: Testes, Epididymis, Vas deferens, Urethra.

               Testis: are located outside of the body cavity in a pouch

               called the scrotum, and produce sperms.

               Epididymis: a structure located on top of each testis where

               sperm mature and are stored.

               Urethra: the tube that carries both semen and urine outside

               of the body through the penis.

               Seminal  vesicles:  contribute  over  half  of  the  semen  and

               secrete sugar into the fluid, which provides energy, other

               nutrients, proteins and enzymes for the sperm.

               •  Male  hormone  (testosterone):  made  in  the  testes,  a

                   steroid hormone that is necessary for the production of

                   sperm.  It  also  influences  the  development  of  male

                   secondary sex characteristics

               MRPROF.NET                         MR.MOHAMED ELGAYAR           MRPROF.NET@GMAIL.COM
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