Page 2 - Graypvine July 2022
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Safety (Site Manager, MEP), Rachel Wirt (Project Engineer),
Clayton Wilkerson (Site Manager), and myself as
Director, Safety.
with Ned Brown
Director, Safety The members of this committee have established four
main objectives that have both long- and short-term
deliverables attached to each. These objectives include:
Path to Safety Serious Injury or Fatality (SIF) Education, Operational
As you know, the past two years have been a crazy Leadership, Best Practices and Optimization. Gray has a
roller coaster ride for the construction industry, and we strong focus on SIF Education hazards on our projects.
have definitely felt the effects here at Gray. Even with all The SIF Education objective is designed to help educate
of the craziness that has happened we continue to grow our team members on what to look for in the field that
and continue to be a leader in our industry. But with this may fall into a SIF category and also to plan ahead for
constant growth and change we as a company can not SIF related scopes of work. This year you will also see
lose sight of our goal to ensure everyone goes home at several Gray University courses available that will help
the end of the day injury free. We must constantly keep educate you on SIF hazards on projects. Also, we will
2 this goal at the forefront of our minds each and every day. be conducting Safety Minute Videos on projects that will
As Brian Jones stated at the annual meeting, “what
cover various SIF related hazards in the field and how to
got us here will not get us to where we are going.” With properly mitigate these hazards.
that in mind, it is paramount that we make sure we have The goal for the Operational Leadership objective is to
the best path forward. That path can not just lead us drive the mindset that everyone is responsible for safety,
to success for today, but for years to come. This year no matter your role within your team. This objective will
we have formed a Safety Goal Committee to help us include mentorship to new team members and more
evaluate that path and what steps need to be taken frequent communication between different groups or
to help improve our safety program here at Gray. This teams within Gray.
Committee consists of several Gray team members The Best Practices objective comes from feedback we
in multiple departments throughout the company. The have received from Gray team members and from some
committee members are: Patrick McCowan (COO Gray of Gray’s subcontractors. Inconsistency and jobsite
Construction), Amy Carroll (Director, Corporate Risk),
Aschley Jolly (Manager, Corporate Risk), Shawn Metcalf continued on next page
Safety Statistics Commitment to Safety
All statistics reported for Gray are cumulative for Calendar Year 2021
0 Fatality Alex Hildebrandt
Resource Coordinator,
6 (Disabling Accidents) Field Operations
3 years, 1 month with Gray
Recordable Accident
25 (Lost Time, Limited Work,
and No Lost Time)
89 64
"Safety to me is not just what is taught or
Near Miss / Property Damage First Aid / Injury but not recordable
talked about, it is what is done when no one
A goal of zero lost time incidents means there is a level of acceptance of other types of is looking. It is looking out for and caring
incidents that do not lead to lost time. When other incidents are accepted, then we increase about the person working next to you.
the chance that lost time, and more severe incidents will occur. The triangle graphic above
is an illustration of this. Gray’s focus is to stop all incidents, by starting at the very bottom of Holding each other accountable in every
the triangle. If we eliminate all incidents, then we eliminate the possibility of the catastrophic situation to ensure that we all go home at
incident. By definition, a lost time incident is an injury event that causes a worker to miss at
least one day of work. A safety incident is any event that needs to be tracked and recorded the end of the day. Taking time to recognize
regardless of whether medical attention was required or not.
and plan an approach to all potential hazards
associated with any given activity."