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July 2022
Bottom Governors Medal for outstanding
leadership in the field of rural
Line medicine. He opened a private
hospital in Glasgow, KY in
Serve First is a guiding principle, rooted in servant 1914 and served the people
in this community for nearly
leadership and anchored by the Golden Rule. 60 years. He is widely known
So, what is servant leadership? Our leadership team for his passion for the medical
believes servant leadership is demonstrated in the profession and his dedication to
guidance and the development of others. A servant serving his community.
leader puts others first, serves up, and demonstrates As you can see, this isn’t a new concept and
empathy and commitment to growth of others. Every has been part of who we are since the beginning,
challenge is seen as an opportunity to grow and but with rapid growth it’s good to renew our focus
improve. Servant leaders build trust, listen receptively, and commitment to helping one another. Servant
and care about team members as a whole. Serving up leadership, empathy, and commitment to each other
means you flip the traditional hierarchical structure and builds trust and cohesive teams, enhancing our ability
leaders serve those in their care, ultimately placing our to exceed customer expectations creating enduring and
teammates and customers as our highest priority. We fulfilling relationships along the way.
place serving others ahead of our own self-interest. Serve First supports your personal growth, which
Our company was actually built by servant leaders, leads to Gray’s future growth. Serve each other like
who learned servant leadership from their parents and Dr. Howard did; if we can accomplish this, then we will
believed in giving back to the communities in which serve our customers in a way they won’t forget.
they lived and worked. In fact, Mrs. Gray’s father,
Dr. Carl Clifford Howard, received numerous awards Brian Jones
for his service to the medical field – including the President & Chief Executive Officer, Gray Construction
Our purpose is to make a difference in 1. We put safety and quality of life first.
people’s lives by creating unforgettable 2. We are customer and relationship driven.
customer experiences and great projects. 3. We treat others the way we want to be treated.