Page 4 - Graypvine July 2022
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Daryl McCane, Assistant Project Manager at Gray, culture initiatives that strengthen our team members
openly shared his experience with me about leaving and their families. You’ll hear more about what the
Gray in August 2021. Daryl was not looking for a culture team has done in the last 6 months to make
new job – like some of you have experienced, he improvements. What’s clear is this—we value our
was contacted by a recruiter who offered a package team members and want to make sure that each
he couldn’t ignore. Daryl came back to Gray for of you feel this value. It’s because of you that we’re
many reasons, but the main reason was based in able to do what we do each day, and we don’t take
how Gray cares for team members. “Gray is willing that lightly. GO, TEAM GRAY!!
to invest in me. Gray has spent their time and
money to help me further my education. Knowing
people want to invest in you is important and makes Central Business Unit
you feel how committed they are to you and your with Steve Summers
long-term success.” Daryl recently told his story at Executive Vice President
4 our June Combined Staff Meeting. Gray has been working on several key projects
Like I mentioned above, I also wanted to know
why team members choose to stay at Gray. As you in the past few months including Owens Corning,
know, I’ve been with Gray for 21 years, and I’ve Marzetti, and multiple Amazon projects.
stayed because the people of Gray are like a family. In March, Gray turned over the maintenance area
It’s important to me that we continue to protect the and basement to Owens Corning for their process
special culture we have here at Gray, especially as installer to begin fabricating tanks. Gray’s team was
we continue to grow – and I am thankful to have able to achieve this milestone three weeks ahead
always had the opportunity to help shape and of schedule. The building structures are dried in,
keep this culture alive. Some other team members all of the process foundations and slabs on grade
have shared their thoughts on why they’ve stayed are completed. Office finishes (ceilings, flooring,
at Gray, too. Taylor Bowling, Project Manager in paint, etc.) are ongoing and will be completed by
the Southeast Office, who has been with Gray for the end of June. Gray is awaiting utilities from the
six years – summed it up nicely. “Gray has never City to provide Owens Corning with a Certificate
felt like just a company to me but something way of Occupancy; the current projection is August 7,
more special than that. Gray is a group of people 2022.
with various backgrounds, experiences, and talents The Marzetti Dressing Plant Expansion located in
tied together with a focused commitment to each Horse Cave, Kentucky is progressing well since the
other’s success.” last update. The office completion and turnover is
As I reflect on these comments from our Gray scheduled for the end of June. The packaging and
team members, I’m reminded that the reason team production areas are enclosed and substantially
members stay with us is because we continue dried in. Installation of process tanks, piping and
to put our people FIRST. We realized that, when electrical work continues. The majority of the
we hit our growth surge, we had some room for packaging equipment has been set while electrical
improving our culture. As a result, we made a and piping connection work continues. Walkable
company goal dedicated to enhancing our culture ceiling in the process area is complete except for
with a focus on servant leadership and cohesive a section left out for equipment and piping access,
teams while continuing to maintain existing caring and building MEP work continues. Excavation at