Page 12 - Graypvine August 2021
P. 12

Fenison Dozier                                         was in Locust Grove, Georgia,” said Fenison. “We
                                                                     “The last event I did with the People Help Exchange

            Pays it Forward                                        handed out over 600 boxes of milk, vegetables, meat,

                                                                   eggs, etc. This was the first time I ever volunteered in
                                                                   my life for a charitable cause that did not benefit me
              “Growing up, I had a great life supplied by my       but actually benefited others. It made me fall in love
             mother,” reflects Fenison Dozier, who joined the Gray   with the whole ‘giving back’ thing. Since then I have
             team in January of this year. “As a growing man I was   attended two more of their events, which I shared
             lost, mentally, and my mother knew it. So she asked   with my nephews and my son. It’s an unexplainable
             a good man if he could take time out of his busy      feeling to take time out of my ‘busy’ schedule to give
             schedule to help me. He did it; he never had to, but   back to others, but the real reward was sharing it with
             he did.”                                              the young men in my life whom I love dearly. When I
              Fenison was introduced to the construction industry   asked them to join, there was no hesitation. The fact
             as a young adult, when his mother asked their pastor,   that they showed such zeal and effort passing out
     12      also a master carpenter, to take Fenison under his    boxes, and running them across the parking lots to

             wing. After three years of college, where he also     people was the real reward. It’s a great thing to give
             played football, Fenison joined the carpenters union   back but sharing that feeling and opportunity with
                                                                   the youth in our families or even our friends who may
                                                                   have never experienced anything like that is vital.”
                                  "A lot of great                    Fenison also donates financially to an organization
                                  people in this                   run by a close friend: The Kids Acting Academy
                                  world would never                and Performing Arts Center in Macon, Georgia,

                                  have made it that                an area of the country where youth benefit greatly
                                  far if it wasn’t for             from a positive program that helps impact their
                                                                   life’s potential. Fenison is happy to donate to the
                                  a willing vessel                 program, which serves underprivileged children

                                  to take time                     and teens by teaching a variety of acting, dance,
                                  out of his or her                writing and art classes. The academy further aims

                                  busy schedule to                 to help participants accomplish their dreams by also
                                                                   teaching self-esteem, anti-bullying, the importance of
                                  help somebody."                  education, and self-worth.

                                  FENISON DOZIER                     “This world, and a lot of great people in this world
                                                                   would never have made it that far if it wasn’t for
                                                                   a willing vessel to take time out of his or her busy
                                                                   schedule to help somebody,” said Fenison. “So now it
             in his hometown of Henry County, Georgia -- a town    is my turn to keep the cycle going.”
             about an hour south of Atlanta. Now 14 years later,     After only a few months with Gray, Fenison says
             he joined the Gray team as a Field Engineer and       he’s loving every second.
             currently works on project Zinus, led by Dan Phillips.   “I've worked for a lot of good companies that said
              Impacted by his pastor who invested his time in      that we aren’t just a number, but never until now have
             young Fenison, he decided to start volunteering to    I worked for a company that shows me I’m not a
             help others as well. Fenison lends a hand to a local   number,” said Fenison. “For me, it is the actions by
             charity in Henry County called People Help Exchange,   Gray that makes it easy for me to want to work for
             which donates food to underprivileged families in the   them and not go back to self-employment.”
             south Metro Atlanta area.
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