Page 8 - Graypvine August 2021
P. 8

we offer when we team up Gray, Gray Solutions,        our people grow. This is the most significant period
            InLine, Spec and now Anderson Dahlen on               in Gray’s Food and Beverage Market history which
            equipment manufacturing.                              will impact us all for many years to come.
              We tend to talk a lot about the larger projects;      Our success is a direct result of the hard work
            however, we must never forget our foundation          of all team members across all Gray companies.
            of smaller projects that helped get us where we       We are extremely fortunate to have the capability
            are today. The smaller projects of yesterday and      of adding highly technical team members and key
            today’s smaller projects, whether a process line      acquisitions to our Gray family.
            expansion or other in-plant work, continue to help      We have an innate ability to adapt and be flexible
            build our food and beverage resume.                   which makes us ready for any challenge.
              With each project, small or large, our repeat
            customer base grows, our capabilities grow, and


                                                                     The Graypvine is now

                                                                     just a click away

                                                                     Over the many decades of its existence, the Graypvine
                                                                     has been delivered to the homes of our team members
                                                                     all over the country. Throughout those years, we’ve
                                                                     enjoyed sending each issue out to our team members
                                                                     and, by extension, their families.

                                                                     While the content will not change, the delivery of
                                                                     the Graypvine has. We’ve decided to publish each
                                                                     issue digitally to both make it more environmentally
                                                                     friendly and to ensure a fast delivery to keep the
                                                                     information current.

                                                                     With each publication, you’ll receive an email with a
                                                                     link to view the latest issue. We know that many of our
                                                                     extended Gray family members enjoy reading each
                                                                     issue, so please let us know if you’d like to add another
                                                                     email to our digital mailing list. To join the list, please
                                                                     contact Maria Turner at or
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