Page 7 - Graypvine August 2021
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Distribution & their ongoing efforts to support our customers'
Commercial development and continued growth.
with Rodney Carpenter As we enter some of the hottest months of the
Vice President, Distribution year, I would like to encourage our teams to closely
& Commercial Market follow our heat management programs. Historical
So far 2021 has proven to be quite a challenging data indicates an increased incident rate throughout
year — from the heels of a global pandemic late summer. Let’s make summer ’21 one of our best
that changed not only our daily lives, but forced years yet!
our teams to evolve to keep projects on track,
to now working to navigate cost escalations on
virtually every aspect of a project. We continue to Food & Beverage
experience shortages in steel, rebar, roofing and with Phil Seale
Executive Vice President,
metal studs, and lead times that are difficult to Food & Beverage Market
comprehend. This is an unprecedented time in our 7
industry and our teams are pressing forward to As we push through the pandemic, we continue
provide innovative solutions to our customers. to see more and more activity in the Food and
On the distribution front we have several Beverage Market. Some of this activity is directly
projects in execution right now. The team at Publix related to the pandemic with the industry adapting
has twelve buildings under construction on the to changing consumer demands such as ready-
Greensboro, North Carolina campus that turns to-eat meals, an increased focus on our pets
over in the fall. Despite early spring showers, the and just pure challenges related to processing
Gap, Inc. Customer Experience Center located in during COVID.
Longview, Texas will have a building pad shortly, We also see increased opportunities with
with concrete, tilt-up and steel erection starting international food and beverage customers. Shigeru
early fall of this year. I would like to highlight a Masuko, our director of Japanese markets located
project for Gap located in Gallatin, Tennessee that in Japan, is working with some top Japanese
Justin Duck and Lynn Beals have been working customers while other business development team
on since November of last year. The team is members are tracking opportunities with Chinese
repurposing a portion of a building that Gray built and European companies. We’re also ramping up
over 25 years ago as Gap continues to expand efforts for more food and beverage work in Europe
their omni fulfillment network. They are working as part of Gray’s business plan so expect more
inside a fully operational building to provide building details in my next article.
modifications to accommodate new systems and Gray’s Food and Beverage Market is certainly
infrastructure updates to support new material a total team effort with a tremendous amount of
handling solutions as part of Gap’s long-term digital cross-selling taking place across all Gray, Inc.
growth strategy. companies. A great example of this is the recent
The commercial teams have been working selection by Hill’s Pet Nutrition to partner with Gray
hard as we recently began construction on a on a turnkey pet food project. Hill’s, like many
Costco project in South Windsor, Connecticut. of our customers, made the selection based on Company
Additionally, we will soon be budgeting some new culture and technical capabilities. We certainly had updates
renovation projects and are continuing to budget the right technical team from Gray, Gray Solutions continued
on next
new warehouse opportunities that are being and InLine in the room with us. No one in our page
evaluated. Congratulations to the Costco team for industry can match the technical bench strength