Page 3 - Graypvine August 2021
P. 3

Gray Construction Updates

                                                               in the research, evaluation, decision making, and
                        Gray Construction                      steps taken to accomplish Gray’s transition to
                        with Patrick McCowan                   Procore. In late July, Matt transitioned to Project
                        Chief Operating Officer                Services as  Scheduling Manager, Project Services.
                                                               He will continue to lead the implementation and
          By now, most of you have heard me talk about         roll-out of Procore while developing scheduling
        “cohesive teams” and the emphasis we put on            standards and analytics for the company. Matt will
        ensuring that as the company grows and adds            be our Procore “Champion.” Since adopting the
        new team members, our teams remain strong and          system in early May, we currently have twenty-one
        retain the ability to work together cohesively. Each   projects utilizing the system. Our project teams are
        of you are experiencing your own growth alongside      seeing the added value and efficiencies gained by     3
        the company’s growth, and it remains a top priority    having a comprehensive construction management
        to provide you with the tools you need to continue     software. Be sure to congratulate Matt if you
        your success.                                          see him on his promotion and leadership on the
          Relationships and team building are essential at     Procore project.
        Gray and we want to make sure that as we hit the        Without a doubt, the future is bright for us at
        surge of new team members in 2020-2021, we are         Gray.  As we grow, we will continue to research
        not only helping integrate our new team members        tools that allow us to be more efficient but,
        into Gray’s culture but also helping our current great   most importantly, we will always rely on our
        team members adapt to their new teams. Colonel         team members to decide what is best for our
        Farrell and Gray Fusion have been instrumental in      Gray Family.
        cohesive team training the first part of the year by
        conducting project team trainings that included
        several new and seasoned Gray team members.                            Central Business Unit
          In addition to training for our team members,                        with Steve Summers
        part of our journey to building more cohesive                          Executive Vice President
        teams includes standardizing how we share
        project data. Through years of growth, we have          The Diageo project recently reached a few
        accumulated a variety of software programs to use      milestones: the Granary, Distillery and Main
        in executing our projects. The lack of an integrated   Office building construction are complete and
        software solution has led to inefficiencies among      the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy has
        our teams. We realize we cannot expect to build        been issued. Installation of the barrel filling line is
        cohesive teams if our data is not cohesive, too.       nearly complete and Gray Solutions is finalizing
        This led to the development of a team that would       the design of the Automated Guided Vehicle
        begin preparation for a full digital transformation,   system. In the Powerhouse, the electrode boilers,
        beginning with fully integrating technology platforms   air compressors, RO system, cooling tower and     Company
        used by operations, and resulting in accessible and    chilled water systems have been started and        updates
        actionable data.                                       commissioning is almost complete. Gray Solutions   continued
                                                                                                                  on next
          Matt Kilgore has played a fundamental role           continues to commission the distillery and we plan   page
        alongside the Construction Technology Workgroup        to start making bourbon on July 1st. In the Dry
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