Page 2 - Graypvine August 2021
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Safety and goes through our Contractor Safety and Health
Manual during this meeting, ensuring that the contractor
fully understands our safety expectations and culturally
with Jim Grant accepts them. If the contractor pushes back, this should
Vice President, Safety be a leading indicator of potential safety issues.
Gray, Inc. A contract typically first arrives on site when the
pre-construction meeting occurs. This will be the first
Leading indicators: the little things time our site management team interacts with the
can tell you a lot contractor’s site management and possibly the first time
As we continue our growth in safety, we are becoming they have heard our safety expectations. Again, covering
more aware of leading indicators. Leading indicators are our safety expectations is crucial. The contractor’s
the little things that can tell you a lot. If paid attention response to this will provide the leading indicator of the
to, leading indicators can prevent potential incidents safety culture of the contractor’s on-site management.
on our projects and support our contractors for better There are other early signs that we may see on a
safety performance. daily or weekly basis. Does the contractor’s on-site
The first leading indicator is our contractor qualification management receive safety instruction with a good
2 process. Their Recordable and Lost Time Incident Rates attitude and correct safety issues immediately? Do
(RIR and LTIR) show us historical safety performance they make an effort to manage themselves and stay
and provide indicators as to whether the contractor sees in compliance? Do they perform their GSA timely and
safety record improving or declining. The Experience with good thought, and appropriately communicate to
Modification Rate (EMR), which is established by the their workforce? Is their workforce being trained prior to
contractor’s insurance company, is also an indication of starting work?
safety performance. We always want to see these rates The right safety culture and attitude of our contractor’s
trending down. on-site management is the earliest indicator of potential
More important than numbers is the safety culture that safety issues and incidents and something that requires
a project manager sees as they work through the bid, attention. It is up to us to recognize this early and take
scope development, and contractual issues when dealing action with the contractor’s upper management in
with a contractor. The pre-award meeting is critical for an effort to improve it and support our safety goal of
identifying the contractor’s safety culture. It is important everyone going home at the end of the day in the same
that the project manager discusses safety expectations way they showed up: free from injury.
Safety Statistics Commitment to Safety
All statistics reported for Gray are cumulative for Calendar Year 2021
0 Fatality Cory Thompson
Assistant Project Manager
3 (Disabling Accidents) 3 years, 2 months with Gray
Recordable Accident
21 (Off Work, Limited Work,
and No Lost Time)
96 44 "I will follow and obey all of the
safety rules and regulations so
Near Miss / Property Damage First Aid / Injury but not recordable
A goal of zero lost time incidents means there is a level of acceptance of other types of that I and my fellow co-workers
incidents that do not lead to lost time. When other incidents are accepted, then we increase
the chance that lost time, and more severe incidents will occur. The triangle graphic above
is an illustration of this. Gray’s focus is to stop all incidents, by starting at the very bottom of will go home safely everyday."
the triangle. If we eliminate all incidents, then we eliminate the possibility of the catastrophic
incident. By definition, a lost time incident is an injury event that causes a worker to miss at
least one day of work. A safety incident is any event that needs to be tracked and recorded
regardless of whether medical attention was required or not.