Page 10 - Graypvine August 2021
P. 10

Steve Higgins Aids

            Kentucky Flood Victims

              After experiencing several days of heavy rainfall   Kentucky and other states
            in early March of this year, 49 counties in Kentucky   before. This time, he took
            were devastated by record-breaking flooding.          a week off from work and
            In Estill County, Kentucky, the historic flooding     went to Estill County to
            damaged almost 170 homes, leaving residents with      lend a hand.
            both major and minor water damage.                      “We helped three families
              Steve Higgins, Gray’s Service Team Director,        that week,” said Steve.
     10     is no stranger to helping out in a disaster. As a     “The first family was a          Steve Higgins
                                                                  91-year-old man and his
            volunteer with the Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief
            Organization, he has responded to disasters in        wife. The flood waters        Service Team Director
                                                                  were 40 inches deep inside their home. His wife
            "All of these families were                           is sick and she was staying with a caregiver at the
            overwhelmed with the amount                           time of the flood, so the man and his dog were
            of damage this flood left behind.                     rescued by boat.”

                                                                    The second couple the team helped was a man
            You could see the hurt in their                       and wife in their mid-50s. Tragically, the man had
            eyes. This is a lot of work and                       just undergone brain surgery a week before the

            much more than they can do                            flood and was in a hospital bed in the living room. In
            on their own. It brings a lot of                      spite of being built on a tall foundation, the couple’s

            relief when people — complete                         house still had two to three inches of mud and water
                                                                  inside. They also lost everything in their garage
            strangers — volunteer to help                         because it was underwater. This family was already
            those in need."                                       experiencing hardships — disability, waiting on extra

            Flooding in Ravenna, Kentucky. Photo courtesy of WLEX-18.
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