Page 2 - Graypvine August 2022
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Safety                              trash can. When you have enough trash receptacles

                                                                  around the project and you keep them emptied,
                               with Jim Grant                     people use them.  Once safety climate became a
                               Vice President, Safety
                               Gray, Inc.                         focus, it was amazing that in a matter of two weeks
                                                                  you could feel the project was making positive
            A Valuable Lesson                                     changes. It was an eye-opening experience for me to
              This will be my 35th year at Gray, and over those   see the transformation. It reinforced the idea that you
            35 years I have learned valuable lessons from many    could have an elaborate safety program, but unless
            people and situations. I have just recently learned a   you get the craft person and contractor management
            valuable lesson about our safety program and the      engaged in safety in a positive way, we may not hit
            importance of how creating a strong safety climate    our safety goals.
            has such a positive effect on safety performance. We    If programs, policies, and planning for safety
            currently have a large project being executed with    success are the “bones” of a safety program, an
      2     550 plus craft workers on site each day. A couple     engaging, positive, and proactive safety climate is the
            of months ago, the number of incidents occurring      “skin” that holds it all together. No single element will
            on that site became concerning. Here is where the     excel without a strong safety climate in place.
            valuable lesson comes in. The Site TEAM, determined     What this team accomplished confirms that for Gray
            to curb the number of incidents, put their heads      Inc. to have safety success, it’s critical that Leadership,
            together and started to focus their attention not on   Project Management, Site Management and Safety
            more safety rules, but on enhancing the safety climate   Management demonstrate their commitment in safety.
            of the project. They focused on setting a climate that   Everyone must communicate that commitment to
            is positive, pro-active, and engages the craft worker   workers and reinforce good safety behaviors. Leaders
            and contractor management. Also, there was a strong   at all levels influence the safety climate. Leaders’
            effort in keeping the project clean and organized that   influence is especially important by setting a good
            exceeds what we typically see on our projects. I never   example and holding each other and contractors
            thought I would say this, but I saw the power of a    accountable in a positive way.

             Safety Statistics                                    Commitment to Safety

            All statistics reported for Gray are cumulative for Calendar Year 2022

                                0     Fatality                                             Eric Tanguay
                                                                                           Director, Pulp & Paper
                               10         (Disabling Accidents)                            1 year, 1 month with Gray
                                                Recordable Accident
                               50               (Off Work, Limited Work,
                                                and No Lost Time)

                      160               103                       "Having come recently from Georgia Pacific, where
                                                                  the focus on safety is first and foremost, transitioning
                                                                  to the Gray team has been easy. Safety is a necessary
              Near Miss / Property Damage  First Aid / Injury but not recordable
                                                                  regulatory requirement where safety incidents are
                                                                  often downplayed and hidden from the workforce,
            A goal of zero lost time incidents means there is a level of acceptance of other types of   and the individual is blamed when incidents happen.
            incidents that do not lead to lost time. When other incidents are accepted, then we increase
            the chance that lost time, and more severe incidents will occur. The triangle graphic above   At Gray, safety is out in the open, incidents are shared
            is an illustration of this. Gray’s focus is to stop all incidents, by starting at the very bottom of   as they happen, and individuals are encouraged to
            the triangle. If we eliminate all incidents, then we eliminate the possibility of the catastrophic   engage and share experiences to ensure everyone
            incident. By definition, a lost time incident is an injury event that causes a worker to miss at   on Gray job sites go home to their families. I feel
            least one day of work. A safety incident is any event that needs to be tracked and recorded
            regardless of whether medical attention was required or not.  responsible and empowered to maintain this culture."
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