Page 5 - Graypvine August 2022
P. 5

Things are looking good as we head into the         developed and refined, patent due diligence was
        second half of the year, and I’m excited to see what   performed and prototypes have recently been
        the future holds for us and for all the Gray companies.   fabricated at the Gray Innovation Center in Lexington.
        Come see us when you’re in Atlanta.                   The next step is to identify a beta project for these
                                                              components to be installed and tested. This process

                        Gray Architects &                     is just one example of Gray’s ability to showcase
                        Engineers                             innovative thinking, maintain our entrepreneurial spirit,
                        with Dowell Hoskins                   and create meaningful relationships.
                                                                               Ohio Valley
          We are continuing to grow our AE team, which is                      with Steve Renshaw
        exciting as we have added some great design talent                     President
        in the Southwest Office and in Lexington. We also
        have interns working in each of our office locations
        this summer, which is always a rewarding experience     We are full speed with project startups, and we      5
        for all involved! Aside from AE remaining extremely   recently kicked off a FedEx Warehouse and a
        busy with proposals and project work, the majority of   Camping World Retail/Repair Center located in Ohio;
        this update will be focused on a unique initiative called   a new Fire Station in Indiana; a Florim Tile Warehouse
        Fabworks, the winning idea from the Gray Incubator    in Tennessee; and a Wild Turkey facility in Kentucky.
        innovation challenge last year.                         In each of these five special projects, the customer
          Fabworks is the brainchild of Troy Sandlin, Director   had a preference to work with us and each one had a
        of Integration, for our Food & Beverage design        “why” for choosing us to build for them again. These
        team in Lexington. This initiative has allowed us to   reasons included trust, reliability, going the extra mile,
        continue to sustain an entrepreneurial spirit and     and an enjoyable and successful experience the last
                              capitalize on the strengths     time we worked together. Hats off and thanks to each
                              that various businesses         team member that added their personal touch to the
                              within the Gray, Inc. family    success stories with these customers.
                              of companies bring to the         Our results are tracking good for 2022. As for
                              table. Briefly summarized,      Safety, we have zero Lost Time Incidents and have a
                              the value proposition for       strong focus on planning and communication at each
                              Fabworks is to use the          site with our subcontractors fully engaged. Our sales
                              Food & Beverage design          and profits are above the goals we set at the start
                              knowledge from Gray AE          of the year, and we continue to enjoy new business
                              alongside Anderson Dahlen       opportunities.
                              and Spec Engineering’s best-      Enjoy the rest of summer and play it safe.
                              in-class capability of stainless
        A Fabworks project.
                             steel fabrication, to design and                  Gray Development
        fabricate common process components that are                           with Curt Hargrove
        frequently used on our projects. This will allow Gray to               President
        have control over the design and fabrication, resulting                                                   Company
        in the ability to source these components quicker and                                                     updates
        at a lower overall cost.                                We feel fortunate to continue to be busy here at the   continued
          Over the past 12 months, a team was formed          real estate arm of the company. We are close to     on next
        around the idea, the business concept was             completing our fifth speculative building in the River
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