Page 3 - Graypvine August 2022
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Safety continued from previous page
The project I mentioned previously was extremely Although definitions of what constitutes a good
clean and organized, one of the best. The cleanliness safety climate differ, they all involve focusing on
of the project falls on our operations teams, which establishing safety and the craftworker as a VALUE
they have been responsible for. This team brought within the organization and on our individual projects,
Operationally Led Safety to the forefront. The rather than a priority subject to change depending
whole team has done a great job and the customer upon needs, schedules, etc.
recognizes this. The team has taken creating a For continued safety success across the Gray Inc.
positive safety climate to a new level. family of companies, it will be important to execute
Some examples of their contributions are: our safety program. But, more importantly, focus on
• Creating an Excellence in Safety recognition setting a strong safety climate that is positive towards
program, which recognizes craftworkers that safety, influences the workforce to actively participate
have gone above and beyond. in the program, and have an environment to make
• Contractor management involvement, where good decisions and feel comfortable to speak up
contractors talk about safety issues pertaining to when something is unsafe. 3
their trade at the all hands meeting. When we bring strong programs and a strong
• Bi-lingual communication efforts. safety climate together, it gets us one step closer to
• They started a Brothers and Sisters Keeper our goal that everyone goes home at the end of each
program, creating a safe environment for people day injury-free and reinforces our core value that we
to go to others and talk about safety and put safety and quality of life first.
address hazards.
Gray, Inc. Company Updates
Gray Construction to develop streamlined processes to increase
with Brian Jones efficiencies, and ultimately, a better customer
President & Chief Executive Officer and team member experience. This is why we’re
Over the course of this year, we’ve optimizing. At this stage in the fiscal year, I would
been focusing on optimization. As a love to report that we’re fully optimized, but the reality
reminder, the reason we’ve kept this as a focal point is is this is an ongoing process. We are planning and
to not only respond to our aggressive growth, but to prioritizing how to best enhance our project delivery
also build a scalable model for the future. This journey model and people development programs at the
has involved a close examination of our processes, right pace. We know we can’t tackle everything
which has been an enlightening experience. We’re at once. Our focus will be centered on people,
accustomed to respond immediately when customers processes, and technology improvements for the
call, as we should, while also doing everything in our next couple of years. Remember, we are optimizing
power to be proactive to anticipate any needs with what we have, not transforming to an unrecognizable Company
existing and prospective customers. This speaks to version of an already successful Gray. We are updates
who we are as teams driven by our No. 2 core value making good progress, but we’re not done yet. on next
that we are customer and relationship driven. We will be intentional to launch new and improved page
The “but” in this synopsis is that we’ve neglected developments, step by step. I’ll report more on where