Page 185 - The Exceptional Harley Fetterman
P. 185
but was making no progress when he noticed Slim Whitman playing
left-handed and realized it was necessary to reverse the guitar, pick
with his left hand, and reverse the strings.
Figure 149: Christmas for the masses.
Harley performed with his guitar for “Christmas for the Masses” in
December of 2013. He was in a music theory class at Bowie High
School where he first began playing guitar. At Christmas, the class
performed a little concert after only playing for about a month. In
Music Theory class, Harley got two awards: Best Song and Most
Likely to Go to Antarctica!
He was definitely committed to the challenge of learning musical
instruments because within three weeks of that guitar concert, he
asked Beth to help him look for a new musical instrument to add to
his musical endeavors, a mandolin!
In March of 2014, Harley decided he wanted to learn to play the
musical saw when he and his parents ate out at the Cypress Grill on
William Cannon in Austin. There they enjoyed listening to an
unmistakably Americana, old-timey bluegrass band called the Boxcar
Much to the amazement of Harley, one of the performers, Craig
High, played his saw as a musical instrument (along with the
washboard, banjo, and jug). The Boxcar Preachers were known for
recording without amplification along with their own humorous, often