Page 10 - FY21 BUDGET booklet for residents PRELIMINARY V 073120 FINAL
P. 10

                                                    2019                       2020             2021
            OTHER EXPENSES:                     YEAR -END      APPROVED        PROPOSED      RESERVES - This
                                                 ACTUAL          BUDGET         BUDGET       category represents the
           DEPRECIATION                       $                    30,566  $                    30,000  $                    30,000  annual contribution to the
           ENHANCEMENT FUND                   $                      1,280  $                         750  $                         750  reserve funds to provide
           REPLACEMENT RESERVES               $               2,784,567  $               2,911,022  $               2,810,498  for large replacement and
           RESERVES RESTRICTED RESERVES       $               2,746,519  $               2,746,000  $               2,746,524  repair expenses.
           OPER CONTINGENCY                   $                      9,000  $                  100,000  $                  100,321
           STABILIZATION FUND                 $                    60,000  $                    60,000  The Reserve is divided
           INTEREST CONTRIBUTION              $                  134,671  $                    10,000  $                    10,000  into two categories,
           TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES               $               5,766,603  $               5,857,772  $               5,698,093  Replacement and
                                                                                             Restricted Reserves.
                TOTAL EXPENSES AND RESERVES $             15,735,564  $             16,450,937  $             16,718,808
                                                                                             Restricted Reserves
                                                                                             account for the
                                                                                             Association’s loans that
                                                                                             allowed for major repairs.

                                                                                             Replacement Reserves
                                                                                             accounts for all reserve
                                                                                             items outside of the

                                                                                             GENERAL OPERATING
                                                                                             CONTINGENCY-This line
                                                                                             item provides funding of
                                                                                             $100,000 for any
                                                                                             unanticipated events that
                                                                                             may arise during the year.

                                                                                             STABILIZATION FUND -
                                                                                             The Budget Committee
                                                                                             recommended to hold off
                                                                                             contributing $60,000 into
                                                                                             the Stabilization Fund for
                                                                                             this year.

                                                                                             INTEREST TO
                                                                                             RESERVES - This line
                                                                                             item is for the interest
                                                                                             earned on the reserve
                                                                                             investments and allocates
                                                                                             the interest to the
                                                                                             Reserve account. This
                                                                                             amount does not equal
                                                                                             the interest income
                                                                                             because some of the
                                                                                             interest is related to the
                                                                                             operating accounts.

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