Page 7 - FY21 BUDGET booklet for residents PRELIMINARY V 073120 FINAL
P. 7

                                                   2019                       2020             2021
           ADMINISTRATIVE:                      YEAR -END      APPROVED        PROPOSED       This category provides
                                                 ACTUAL         BUDGET          BUDGET      funding for the financial
           MANAGEMENT FEES                    $                  140,307  $                  148,000  $                  152,000  managing agent, auditor,
           INSURANCE                          $                  239,345  $                  260,000  $                  280,000  legal expenses, insurance,
           NON-INSURANCE LOSSES               $                    97,801  $                    65,000  $                    60,000  resident communications,
           INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE               $                    20,000  $                    20,000  $                    20,000  postage, consulting services
           LEGAL GENERAL                      $                    65,198  $                    75,000  $                    70,000  and the assessments for the
           LEGAL COLLECTIONS                  $                    81,246  $                    75,000  $                    80,000  three Association-owned
           AUDIT/TAX PREP                     $                    25,100  $                    25,500  $                    26,000  units occupied by on-site
           CONSULTING/ENG                     $                    23,112  $                    25,000  $                    20,000  staff.
           CONSULTING SERVICES CABLE          $                      2,738  $                      2,738  $                      2,738
           BAD DEBT EXPENSE                   $                    69,109  $                    50,000  $                    60,000  FY2021 increase is mainly
           ASSOC OWNED CONDO FEES             $                    31,656  $                    32,285  $                    32,879  due to anticipated increases
           ANNUAL MEETING                     $                    10,030  $                    10,000  $                    10,000  in Insurance and Bad Debt
           BANK CHARGES                       $                      2,780  $                      2,000  $                      2,500  expenses.
           POSTAGE                            $                      5,819  $                      7,500  $                      7,500
           MISC ADMINISTRATIVE                $                    11,107  $                      9,000  $                      9,000
           ADMIN PAYROLL ADP                  $                      8,788  $                      9,000  $                    10,000
           MGMT MISC ADMINISTRATIVE           $                    18,022  $                    28,000  $                    20,000
           LATE FEES/FIN CHGS                 $                         263  $                         200  $                         200
           COLLECTIONS EXPENSE                $                    20,555  $                    20,000  $                    20,000
           FORECLOSURE ADMIN                  $                         200  $                         200  $                         200
           COMMUNICATIONS                     $                    59,954  $                    42,000  $                    43,000
           EQUIPMENT MNT/RENTAL               $                    35,489  $                    30,000  $                    28,600
           LICENSES/PERMITS                   $                    16,766  $                    25,000  $                    20,000
           ACTIVITIES                         $                    10,547  $                    16,000  $                    16,000
           TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE               $                  995,932  $                  977,423  $                  990,617

                                                   2019                       2020             2021
            SUPPLIES:                           YEAR -END      APPROVED        PROPOSED      This category covers the
                                                 ACTUAL          BUDGET         BUDGET       supplies needed for the various
           OFFICE SUPPLIES                    $                    18,640  $                    21,000  $                    21,000  departments to perform their
           COMPUTER EXPENSE                   $                      5,154  $                    22,000  $                      5,000  job functions.  It also includes
           JANITORIAL SUPPLIES                $                    38,043  $                    45,000  $                    47,000  the supplies required for the
           HANDYMAN SUPPLIES                  $                    18,165  $                    18,000  $                    18,000  operation of all on-site copiers
           COPIER SUPPLIES                    $                      2,022  $                      2,500  $                      2,500  and computers, the Handyman
           PATROL SVC SUPPLIES                $                         774  $                      3,000  $                      3,000  program and snow removal.
           REC FAC SUPPLIES/RPR               $                    17,656  $                    16,000  $                    15,000
           SECURITY EQUIPMENT                 $                    20,388  $                    20,000  $                    20,000  The category reduction is due
           SNOW RMVL SUPPLIES                 $                      3,853  $                    10,000  $                      7,500  to a one time FY2020 office
           PARTY/LOBBY FURNITURE              $                      1,606  $                    12,000  $                      3,000  computer upgrade.
           RECREATION EQUIPMENT               $                    15,616  $                      2,500  $                      1,500
           OUTDOOR FURNITURE                  $                      4,556  $                      7,500  $                      6,500
           TOTAL SUPPLIES                     $                  146,474  $                  179,500  $                  150,000

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