Page 8 - FY21 BUDGET booklet for residents PRELIMINARY V 073120 FINAL
P. 8

                                                   2019                       2020             2021
           REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE:               YEAR -END      APPROVED        PROPOSED      This category provides
                                                 ACTUAL          BUDGET         BUDGET       funding to maintain and
           LANDSCAPING                        $                    38,179  $                    40,000  $                    40,000  operate the common areas in
           IRRIGATION SYSTEMS                 $                    14,107  $                    18,000  $                    18,000  accordance with the policies
           FENCE RPR & MAINT                  $                    11,850  $                      6,000  $                      6,000  of the Board and service
           ELECTRICAL REPAIRS                 $                    39,651  $                    45,000  $                    39,000  levels desired by the
           OWNED UNIT REPAIRS                 $                      8,215  $                      3,000  $                      3,000  community.  It also includes
           TOOLS                              $                         722  $                      1,500  $                      2,000  routine preventive
           BLDG REPAIRS & MAINT               $                    84,950  $                  120,000  $                  119,000  maintenance performed on
           DRYWALL MAINTENANCE                $                    72,585  $                    15,000  $                    15,000  an annual basis.
           DOOR & WINDOW MNT                  $                         798  $                      2,000  $                      2,000
           ROOF REPAIRS                       $                    12,434  $                    10,000  $                    10,000  This categories reduction is
           FLOORING RPRS/MAINT                $                      8,708  $                    12,000  $                    12,000  due to a careful review of
           PAINTING                           $                    35,664  $                    25,000  $                    25,000  past years’ expenditures, and
           PLUMBING REPAIRS                   $                    75,296  $                    70,000  $                    80,000  cost reductions in HVAC
           HVAC REPAIR & MAINT                $                    81,878  $                    80,000  $                    74,000  repair, truck and vehicle
           ELEVATOR RPRS/MAINT                $                      8,933  $                    20,000  $                    20,000  maintenance and common
           FIRE SPRINKLER MAINT               $                    48,797  $                    55,000  $                    57,000  door maintenance.
           LOCK & KEY MAINT                   $                      9,260  $                    12,000  $                    12,000
           STORM SEWER & DRAINS               $                    15,504  $                      3,000  $                      3,000
           GATE REPAIRS                       $                    10,261  $                      3,000  $                      3,000
           SIGNS                              $                      6,117  $                      5,000  $                      5,000
           POOL RPRS & MAINT                  $                    32,762  $                    36,000  $                    35,000
           TV ANTENNA                         $                    19,036  $                    21,000  $                    22,000
           TRUCK/VAN MAINT                    $                      4,901  $                    12,000  $                      5,000
           MAINT PHONES/RADIOS                $                      8,930  $                      8,000  $                      8,000
           TOWING EXPENSE                     $                           90  $                      1,000  $                      1,000
           ACCESS CONTROL MNT                 $                      1,318  $                      1,500  $                      1,500
           TENNIS COURT MAINT                 $                      4,335  $                      5,000  $                      5,000
           COMMON DOOR MAINTENANCE            $                    14,922  $                    18,000  $                    15,000
           BASKETBALL COURTS                  $                          -  $                         100  $                         100
           TOTAL REPAIRS & MAINT              $                  670,204  $                  648,100  $                  637,600

                                                    2019                       2020             2021
            UTILITIES:                          YEAR -END       APPROVED       PROPOSED        Utility costs represent 21%
                                                 ACTUAL          BUDGET         BUDGET
                                                                                             of the annual budget.Water
           ELECTRICITY                        $               1,864,754  $               2,050,000  $               2,178,000  and Sewer cost has
           GAS                                $                  179,042  $                  200,000  $                  280,000  increased dramatically as
           WATER & SEWER                      $                  832,442  $                  790,000  $                  921,000  the City of Alexandria
           PHONE                              $                    41,413  $                    42,000  $                    42,000  funds massive
           WATER CONSERVATION                 $                    60,000  $                    60,000  $                    65,000  improvements to the city’s
           TOTAL UTILITIES                    $               2,977,650  $               3,142,000  $               3,486,000  sewage system. Natural
                                                                                             Gas costs for hot water and
                                                                                             hallway heating have also
                                                                                             risen due to corrections in
                                                                                             malfunctioning meters.
                                                                                             Electric costs have also
                                                                                             increased as residents
                                                                                             have stayed and worked at
                                                                                             home during the COVID-19

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