Page 9 - FY21 BUDGET booklet for residents PRELIMINARY V 073120 FINAL
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2019                       2020             2021           Summary
            CONTRACTS & SERVICES:                YEAR -END       APPROVED        PROPOSED
                                                                                                This category provides
                                                  ACTUAL          BUDGET          BUDGET
                                                                                                funds for vendor service
           INTERIOR PLANT MAINT                $                      4,815  $                      5,000  $                      4,500  contracts related to
           BUS SERVICE                         $                  234,287  $                  235,932  $                  235,932  community operations.
           DRYER VENT CLEANING                 $                          -  $                    32,350 $                          -  These contracts include
           GARAGE FLOOR CLEANING               $                    17,047  $                      9,000  $                      9,000  grounds and landscaping,
           TRASH REMOVAL                       $                    87,358  $                    88,000  $                  141,278  trash removal, pest control,
           PEST CONTROL                        $                    20,321  $                    20,000  $                    20,000  elevators, Racquet
           GROUNDS MAINT CONTRACT              $                  141,099  $                  150,000  $                  148,227  Club/Activities office and
           POOL MANAGEMENT                     $                  106,300  $                  110,180  $                  108,080  indoor and outdoor pool
           HVAC MAINTENANCE                    $                    32,339  $                    40,000  $                    40,000  contracts.
           BOILER MAINTENANCE                  $                          -  $                    21,000  $                      8,000
           GENERATOR CONTRACT                  $                      5,056  $                      5,100  $                      5,100  This category has
           HVAC MONITORING & COIL CLEANING     $                    56,522  $                    62,712  $                    55,104  decreased despite a large
           ELEVATOR CONTRACT                   $                  105,971  $                  109,150  $                  100,500  increase in trash disposal
           MONITORING SERVICES                 $                      1,500  $                      1,500  $                      1,500  costs due to dryer vent
           SURVEILLANCE EQUIP                  $                      7,422  $                      6,400  $                      6,400  cleaning on alternate years.
           OFFICE AUTOMATION                   $                    32,998  $                    26,500  $                    32,000
           ACTIVITIES/RC CONTRACT              $                  114,705  $                  116,903  $                  119,241
           UNIFORMS/MATS                       $                    40,494  $                    35,000  $                    35,000
           CARPET CLEANING                     $                    17,600  $                    17,600  $                    16,600
           INDOOR POOL MGMT                    $                    76,221  $                    86,106  $                    87,080
           TOTAL CONTRACTS & SVCS              $               1,102,056  $               1,178,433  $               1,173,542

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