Page 159 - Face2Face Pre inter
P. 159
'1Mi•>3 m3s A I have to leave at six. I'm sorry, but I can't A Seriously, you've never heard of him?
prepare the tables for this evening. He was a brilliant jazz musician. You
1 DAVID Ah, Carol, there you are. Have J Oh, right. Why? obviously don't know anything about real
you got that report I asked for? A I just got a text from my mum. Her music. Right. Er, your musical education
CAROL I'm sorry, David, I couldn't finish it sister's in hospital and she wants to go starts with Miles Davis.
this morning. and see her. So I have to go home and L And yours starts with, um, Fatboy Slim.
D Oh, dear. What happened? look after my little brother. I'm really A Fatboy who?
C I had to help Henry. He had some sorry, but I can't say no to my mum. L Fatboy Slim. He's one of the most famous
problems with a client. J OK, don't worry, I can prepare the tables. DJs in the world. Don't you know
D But I need that report for the meeting first But we've just got a booking for ten anything?
thing tomorrow. We're going to be very busy this evening. -44
people at eight thirty. I need you for that.
C I know. I'll finish it now and email it to
• . f• . l
you. A I'll be back before eight thirty, I promise. been to a music esnva -+ ave you ever
D I hope so. It's very important. Oh and J Are you sure? be9en to a music festival? I Yes, I have. I No, I
Carol, I know this is asking a lot, but A Yes, the hospital visiting hours finish haven't. I se•en the Black Eyed -+ Has he
I invited some clients home for dinner at eight. ever se·en the Black Eyed I ~s, he has. I
this evening, and my wife phoned a few J OK then. But get back as soon as you can. No, he hasn't. I he•ar~ of Miles Davis -+ Has
minutes ago to say that she's ill. Er, could A Of course. Thanks, Jackie. she ever he•ard of Miles Davis? I ~s, she
you take them out for dinner instead? J Oh, Amy. One more thing ... has. I No, she hasn't. I be•en clubbing together
C This evening? Oh ... yes, of course. -+ Have they ever be.en cl~bbing together? I
D Oh, that's great. You can rake them to -37
Yes, they hh e. I No, they haven't.
any restaurant you like. There are nine of ANSWERS 2 couldn't come 3 don't worry
them. 4 had to 5 What happened 6 I'm sorry 45
C Nine! 7 can't come 8 have to 9 Another time 1 ALAN Have youJw/~ever met anyone
D Yes, they're very important clients. Please -39 famous?
10 I'll call
look after them. LUCY Yes, I have. When I was in
C Yes, of course. MexiCOJw/~on holiday.
D Thank you, Carol. I can email you their ANSWERS disc~ssion, application,
A Really? Who did you meet?
names and all the information you need. ~overnment, col~e~tio~, conve;~ation, , . L Robbie Williams. I was soJw/~excited!
C Right. See you tomorrow, then. I hope interview, promotion, mforrnat1on, mus1c1an, And my friend took a photoJw/~of us!
. • .
d ' .
your wife gets better soon. engmeermg, argument, ec1S1on, unexpecte ,
D Thanks, Carol. Enjoy the evening. -43 2 L Has your father ever been toJ w{,a rock
2 MATT Hi, Carol. A Yes, he has. He went toJw/~a lot of gigs
CAROL Hi, love. ALAN Have you ever been to a music when he was younger.
M Where do you want to meet for the L Who did he see?
festival, Lucy?
concert tonight?
LUCY Yes, I have. I've been to lots, actually. A He saw Bon Jovi tWOJw/~Or three times
c Well ...
The last one I went to was in Denmark. before they became famous.
M Are you alright?
A Oh, right. Who did you see there?
C Yes, I'm fine. But look, it's about tonight. L I saw R.E.M. and the Black Eyed Peas. 3 A Have youJw/~ever learned to play an
I'm really sorry, but I can't come to the They were brilliant! Have you ever seen instrument?
concert. I have to take some clients out L No /w/ I haven't. What about you?
~ ~
them live?
for dinner. David's wife's ill. A I tried to learn the pianoJw/~at school.
A No, I haven't. I don't really like rock or
M Oh, don't worry. I can give the tickets L Were youJw/~any good?
hip hop, actually. I prefer classical music
to mum and dad. They love going to A No. I had noJ w!)dea what I was doing!
or jazz.
L I like some classical music. I occasionally -46
C But are you sure you don't want to go?
listen to Mozart when I'm at home on my
M Not without you. own. But most of the time I listen to rock, TIM Is it OKJ i!)f I turn on the TV
C I'm sorry, Matt. And I really wanted to go forJr/~a bit?
hip hop and dance music.
to that concert. MEL I've got a betterJ r!)dea. Let's do this
A Right.
M Yes, I know you did. Another time, quiz. It's about tellyJ j!_addicts.
L And what about you? Have you been to a T Me? I don't watch TV veryJj/~often.
maybe. When you're not so busy at work.
music festival?
C Thanks for understanding, love. M Yeah, right. OK, let's find out if
A Er, no, I haven't.
Anyway, I have to go. I have to phone the you'ry r;_a tellyJ J/_addict. Here's the first
L OK. And have you ever been clubbing?
restaurant. A No, never. I don't really like dance music question. Do you watch TV for more than
M OK, see you when you get home. Have a twentyJKhours a week?
or anything like that. T Um ... well ... IJ i/_always watch the
nice dinner.
L Oh, but listening to dance music in a football, and the news, of course, and
C Thanks, love. Bye.
club is a fantastic experience. You don't
M Bye. IJJ/~enjoy watching films.
know what you're missing. We should go
C ... Oh, hi, Jackie, it's Carol ... I'd like to M And you always watch at least one soap
together sometime.
book a table for ten at eight thirty this ope@/r!_every day.
A Er, yes, maybe. And how about jazz? T Yeah-l..!r/_OK. SoJ wO probably do watch
evening, please.
Have you ever been to a jazz concert?
TV for twentyJj/~hours a week.
3 JACKIE Oh hi, Carol ... A table for ten L Yes, I've been to one or two.
M TwentyJJ!_hours a day, more like ... OK,
at eight thirty. Just one moment ... Yes, A Oh, I've been to hundreds. Live jazz is
question 2. Have youJ w!_ever watched
that's fine. Right, see you this evening at just amazing. Have you ever heard of TV Jj/~all night?
eight thirty. Bye. Miles Davis? T No /w/ I don't think I have ... not all
~ ~
AMY Excuse me, Jackie. L No, I haven't. Who's he? night, anyway!
J What is it, Amy?