Page 156 - Face2Face Pre inter
P. 156
Audio and Video Scripts
N I'm from Spain.
M Oh, right. Whereabouts in Spain?
MICK Gary, you spend over four hours a ANSWERS a men b women c 30% d 20%
N Valencia, but I came over to England
day commuting from York to London, a e four f 45% g 22 h quarter i More j 15% about eight years ago.
distance of about 200 miles. k 7% l 20% m Spain n 30% o 46% p tea
M Do you go back there very often?
GARY Yes, that's right. q coffee r 10 N Um, about three times a year.
M And it costs you nearly £10,000 a year. as M Carol and I often talk about going to
Why do you do it?
Valencia sometime.
G Well, my wife and I were both born in INTERVIEWER Excuse me. We're doing a N Well, if you dige;;e know. [start of
York, and most of our family and friends s&vey on the fre•e time habits of British LG!.Ji•> 1.2 1 11] My brother can
still live there. And we like the quality of people. Can I ask you a few qu•estions? show you around.
life in York - it's quieter than London and ROBERT Er ... sme. M Great, thanks a lot. [end 0£i1!.Ji•>1.1
• .
• k •
the people are friendlier. Than s very much. Right, first question. 9
• . f
M Hmm. So tell me about your journey. How o ten o you go to a bar or a pub? 91 Oh, I'm sorry, someone's calling
me. It was very nice to meet you, Natalia.
G Well, it takes about two hours to get to R Oh, probably abo•ut once a week. I
London by train. I leave home at 6.45 and sometimes friends in the pub after N You too.
M We should get together sometime, you
I'm usually at my desk by 9.30. I get back work.
home at about 8.30. I And do you ever go to the theatre? know, with Carol and David.
• •
M And you do this five days a week. R Yes, I o. Quite a lot, actually. N Yes, that's a good idea.
• • •
G Yes, that's right. I OK. How often do you go? M Enjoy the party.
N Thank you.
M And what do you do on the train? R About once a month. A lot of my friends
d ·1
G Well, all the trains have WiFi, of course, are actors an I a ways go to see them 2 BEN Hello, I'm Ben.
so I answer emails and chat to friends wh·en they're in something new. JACKIE Hi, I'm Jackie. Nice to meet you.
and things. And how often do you go to museums B You too. Are you enjoying the party?
M Sarah, why do you work in London, but and art galleries? • • •• J Yes, it's great.
live in Paris? R E r, sorry, I never go to museums or art B How do you know Matt and Carol?
•11 .
on t rea y
SARAH Well, I moved to Paris four years ga enes. Id• ' • 11 h• ave time. J I live next door.
• • •
ago to work for a fashion designer, and I I OK, no problem. Right, the next B Oh, right. So, not far to come, then.
• h • d
H •
• .
really fell in love with the city. So when I question. ow muc TV o you watch a J No, and if the party gets boring I can just
got this job in London, I decided to stay day, on average? •1 • • go home!
h' k
in Paris and commute. Also, I've got a R H mm, 1et met m . We 1, I watch a lot B Yeah, that's true.
French husband now, and he doesn't want J And what about you? Do you live near
of fo·otball, so probably I'd say, er, abo.ut
to live in London. thre•e hours a day. • h . • here?
• ' b .
M So do you travel to and from London I That s a out twenty-one ours a week. B Yeah, I do. I live about a mile away.
• h.
• '
every day? R Yes, t at sounds about nght. J Whereabouts?
S Oh no, I go there and back twice a week. I OK. And do you do any sport? B In Richmond, near the park.
v• I • • .
stay with my sister when I'm in London. R .ies, go runnmg. J Oh, nice. Are you a friend of Matt's?
M Do a lot of other people commute to And how often do you do that? B Yeah, Matt and I work at the same
London? R Abo•ut three or fo•ur times a week. recording studio.
S Oh yes, I think so. Somebody told me Right. And what abo.ut holidays? How J Oh, that sounds interesting.
that about 50% of the people who travel often do you go on holiday? B Er, it can be. And what about you? What
from Paris to London on Eurostar are R I normally have two holidays a ye·ar. One do you do?
. J.
. h •
d .
commuters. So I'm certainly not the m t e summer an one m anuary. J I'm a restaurant manager.
only one. Hmm. And where do you usually go? • B Ah, right. What type of restaurant is it?
• .
n t
R I h e summer I usua y stay m the UK, J Er, it's an Italian restaurant called La
M Luke, it's nearly 900 miles from Krakow 11 • •
. h
an d m t e wmter I usua y go somewhere Trattoria, on Brook Street.
to London. Why do you live so far away
hot, like Africa or india. B Oh, I know the one. [start of iGj.]i•> 1.2
from your job? • • • •
I OK. And how often do you ... ? 911] I've had dinner there once or
LUKE Well, my wife's Polish, so that's the
main reason really. We lived in London LGMi->1.1 99 iGMi->1.2 911 twice. The food is very good.
for a few years, but flats are really J Oh, that's nice to hear, thanks. [end of
1 MATT Hello. Welcome to the party.
expensive, so last year we moved to NATALIA Hi, I'm Natalia. "'j.)g.>1.1 991 Oh, here's my
Krakow and bought a flat there instead. card. If you ever need a table, just give me
M Hi, I'm Matt, Carol's husband.
M Is it very expensive to commute from a call. You might get a free glass of wine
N Nice to meet you.
Krakow? as well.
M You work with Carol, don't you?
L No, not really, because you can get really B Thanks a lot, I'll remember that. Ah,
N Yes, that's right. I'm the new receptionist
cheap flights if you buy tickets in advance. there. there's Matt. Sorry, I need to ask him
A return flight usually costs about £50. I something. Nice meeting you, Jackie.
M Do you know David? He's Carol's boss.
leave home on Monday morning and get J You too.
N Yes, he's my boss too. Is he here, do
back late on Thursday evening. B See you later, maybe.
you know?
M And how long does your journey to work J Yes, see you.
M No, he couldn't come, unfortunately.
take? 3 CAROL Hi, Liam. So pleased you
He's away playing golf somewhere.
L About four hours, door to door. could come.
N Oh, that's a shame.
LIAM Very happy to be here, Carol.
M Where are you from, Natalia?
Great party!