Page 157 - Face2Face Pre inter
P. 157

        C  Thanks very much. Liam, this is my          RAY  We first met when she was /waz/ renting   so Hopkins picked it up and opened it.
            sister, Amy.                                  a room in my sister's flat in Brighton.    Inside the book there were lots of
        L  Hello, Amy. Nice to meet you.              W  Was /waz/ it love at first sight?           handwritten notes. Hopkins to•ok the
                                                                                                                     •  .
                                                                                                                                     h  fi.
        AMY  Nice to meet you too.                    R  Yes, it was /woz/. Well, for me, anyway.    book home and read it. That was t  e  rst
        L  Didn't we meet at Carol and                W  So, what happened?                          extra.ordinary coincidence connected to
            Matt's wedding?                           R  Well, Claire wanted to improve her          the bo.ok, but later there was another.
        C  Yes, that's right, you did. You sat at the     English, so she was /waz/ working in the   The film company didn't start making The
                                                                                                                               •  •  •
            same table, I think.                          shop at the museum for the summer. But     Girl from Petrovka until two years later.
        A  Oh, yes, I remember. You're a lawyer,          she said she wasn't practising her English   When they were filming in Vienna, Gl orge
            aren't you?                                   because most of the people who came to      •        •             •    •
                                                                                                     Feifer, the author of the book, came to
        L  Yes, that's right.                             the museum were /wa/ tourists. So I said,   •
                                                                                                     visit the actors. He told H opkins that he
        A  How do you two know each other?                "Look, I want to practise my French, so    didn't have a copy of his bo.ok beca·use he
        L  Carol and I work together.                     let's meet for half an hour every day. We                            •
        A  Oh, right.                                     can have fifteen minutes speaking French   lent his personal copy to a friend. Then the
        C  Well, I do most of the work, [start of         and fifteen minutes speaking English."     friend lost it somewhere in London. Fei fer
           '9!.]g.> 1.2        11] Liam just sits at   W  Right.                                     was very unhappy about this because the
            his desk chatting to people on Facebook   R  So we had lunch in the park near the        bo.ok had lots of his personal notes in it.
                                                                                                                               •  •
            all day.                                      museum every day and just talked to each   After Feifer told Hopkins this story,
        L  Hey! That's not true. Well, not all the        other in English and French.               Hopkins smiled and handed him the bo.ok
            time anyway. [end 0£f)j.]g.>1.1           W  Did you ask her out?                        from the station in London. "Is this your
           99] Oh, I'm sorry, there's an old          R  No, I was /waz/ too shy.                    boo k?" he asked. Fei fer opened the bo•ok and
                                                      W  So, what happened?                          he was amazed to se·e his own handwritten
            friend I need to say hello to. It's great to
            see you again, Amy.                       R  Well, three weeks later her summer job      notes on the pages. It was the same bo•ok he
                                                                                                              ~  . . . .
                                                                                                     .  .
        A  And you. See you later.                        finished and it was /waz/ time for her     lent his fnend two years earlier.
        -14                                               with her and while we were / wa/ waiting   DAMON  Hi, are you Jackie?
                                                          to go back to Paris. I went to the airport
        L  Yes, see you.
                                                                                                     w1.g.>2.1  &22
        C  Shall we get some food?
                                                          for her flight I gave her a present. It was
                                                                                                     JACKIE  Yes. Hello, you must be Damon.
                                                          and I suddenly thought, what if I never
        ANSWERS  2 college  3 company  4 married          /waz/ an English dictionary. She laughed   D  Yes, nice to meet you.
            5 windsurfing  6 normally                     see her again. I felt really sad.          J  You too. I'm a bit nervous, actually.
                                                       W  And was /waz/ she sad too?                 D  Yes, so am I. ... Would you like another
                                                      R  Yes, she was /woz/. She was /waz/ crying       coffee?
        A  MAN  Where did you first meet your             when we said goodbye. Anyway, she gave     J   Yes, please. A cappuccino.
            husband, Helen?                               me her address and asked me to visit her   D  Would you like anything to eat?
        HELEN  We were standing at a bus stop and                            J   Er, no, thanks. I'm not hungry.
            he said hello.                             W  So what did you do?                        D  Nor am I. I'll go and get the coffees then.
        B  WOMAN  How did you meet your                R  Well, I went straight home, packed a bag,   J  Thank you  ...
                                                          got my passport and I took a train to      D  Here you are.
            wife, Ray?
                                                          Paris.                                     J  Thank you.
        RAY  We first met when she was renting a
                                                      W  Not the same day!                           D  So, Jackie, what sort of things are you
            room in my sister's flat.
                                                      R  Yes, the same day. And her plane was           interested in?
        C  WOMAN  Where did you meet your                                                               Well, I really Jove cooking.
                                                          / waz/  delayed so I got to Paris first. When   J
            wife, Colin?                                  she arrived home, I was /waz/ waiting by   D  So do I. What kind of things do you
        -16                                           R  Yes, I was /woz/. But I was /waz/ also      J   I cook a lot of Japanese food. I actually
        COLIN  I was travelling back from China and
                                                          the door to her flat.
            we met on the plane.
                                                       W  Were / wa/ you nervous?
                                                                                                        went to Japan last year.
                                                          in love! And er ... a year later we got    D  What a coincidence! So did I. Where
        travelling back from China -+ I was / waz/        married .                                     did you go?
        travelling back from China -+ I was /waz/
                                                      W  Very romantic! Was /waz/ the wedding        J   I went to Kyoto.
        travelling back from Chlna and we met on          in Paris?                                  D  What was it like?
        the plane. I standing at a bus stop -+ We were                                               J   It was incredible! The people are so polite
                                                      R  Yes, it was / woz/.
        /wa/ standing at a bus stop-+ We were / wa/    W  And were /wa/ both your families there?       and friendly. And you, where did you go?
        standing at a bus stop and he said hello. I   R  Yes, they were / w3:/. It was a great day .   D  I was in Tokyo. I had a great time. I didn't
        renting a ro·om in my sister's flat-+ when she                                                  want to come home.
                                       •              &20
        was /waz/ renting a ro·om in my sister's flat         •       •          •     •             J   No, nor did I. But did you have problems
        -+ We first met when she was /waz/ renting     In the nineteen seventies .the actor Anthon)'    with the language?
        a r6om in my sister's flat.                    Hopkins got a part in a film called The Girl   D  No, I can speak a bit of Japanese.
        m11                                            from Petrovka. The film was based on a        J   Oh, I can't. I really want to learn, though.
                                                       bo•ok also called The Gtrl from Petrovka by
                                                                                                     D  There are some good Japanese courses
        ANSWERS  1 were waiting  2 was raining,        Geo rge Feifer. H~kins wITTited to read          online.
        offered  3 were sitting, gave  4 got           the boo k before filming started so he went   J   I know, but I prefer classes because I like
        5 saw  6 was talking, didn't say  7 was        to London to buy a copy, but he co•uldn't        going out and meeting people.
                                                       •  •      •           •            •
        waiting, stopped  8 offered, invited, was     find one in any of the bookshops he tried.     D  Do you go out a Jot, then?
        m1a                                            Whlle he was wai ting for his trai n home, he   J   Not really. I manage a restaurant so I
                                                            b • k
                                                                                        •  .  1
                                                                            •  h'
                                                       saw a  oo  on a seat near  im - amazmg y,        don't go out much in the week.
        [words in pink = weak forms; words in blue                                                   D  Nor do I. I often work in the evenings too.
                                                       it was a copy of The Girl from PetrJvka.
        = strong forms]                                There was nobody sitting on the se•at,        J   You're a piano teacher, aren't you?
        WOMAN  How did you meet your wife, Ray?
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