Page 27 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Fall 2020
P. 27
SNGA President Ebalo Earns State Net Amateur Champion
Bookend State Mid Am Trophy Coss Survives 88 Holes
Kenny Ebalo, even dur-
ing a pandemic, is a
busy man on and off the
course. He serves as
the Southern Nevada
Golf Association presi-
dent and on the boards
of the state associ-
ation and Southern
Nevada Junior Golf
Association. And
he finds some time to tee it up at his home club, Southern In golf, the match play format is unpredictable and can lead
Highlands, and during SNGA and state tournaments. to short or long matches.
In August at Rio Secco, Ebalo won the Nevada State Mid For 2020 Nevada State Net Amateur champion Trevor Coss,
Amateur for the second time. Ironically, he also won it at Rio the fickle nature of match play morphed into a golf mara-
Secco in 2014, the same year he earned SNGA player of the thon of 88 holes over three days at the Rees Jones-designed
year honors. Rio Secco Golf Club. In the final, Coss, who plays out of
Ebalo gave credit to the staff and volunteers of the SNGA Revere, defeated Northern Nevada’s Jason Buckholz (Wolf
for doing such a good job that it allows him to focus a bit on Run) in 20 holes for the title. It was the first state title for
his game. Knowing the ins and outs of Rio Secco was help- Coss.
ful as well. “The staff is doing an amazing job in dealing with “It was a grind, there’s no doubt about that,” Coss said. “And
everything that’s going on right now,” Ebalo said. “I’ve also last night (Saturday) I wasn’t sure I would even be able
been lucky enough to be very good friends with other mem- to play. I woke up about 1:30 and my back and legs were
bers of the board who have gone through being a player and cramping like crazy. I drank some water and went back to
the president. They’ve really helped me handle things. … I sleep. I got up this morning and I was OK and came out to
don’t know if [Rio Secco] is my favorite golf course, but I do the course.”
know what you’re supposed to do at this golf course. I have a Buckholz beat Bryan Carlon 4-and-3 in one semifinal while
good game plan at this golf course and it worked out.” Coss defeated James Kim 1-up in the other semifinal.
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your SNGA membership. FALL 2020 LAS VEGAS GOLF & LEISURE 25