Page 31 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Fall 2020
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A Coach’s Honor
Coaches play an incredibly influential role in the lives why it's crucial that we recognize and hold great coaches up
of athletes. Let’s honor the best as an example to others. as an example to others.
Nominate your coach today for Positive Coaching Alliance’s Nominations for youth and high school coaches are being
Double-Goal Coach® Award presented by TeamSnap for a accepted between now and November 30, 2020.
chance to win $10K!
You can use this link to begin a nomination:
A Double-Goal Coach® strives to win, while also pursuing
the more important goal of teaching life lessons through coach-awards
sports while teaching players how to honor the game, fill-
ing their emotional tanks, and allowing mistakes as part of
the learning process.
Coaches play an incredibly influential role in the lives of
athletes. Players often spend more time with their coaches
than anyone else outside of the home environment. That's FALL 2020 LAS VEGAS GOLF & LEISURE 29