Page 87 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2020
P. 87
With its many health centers and pro-
grams, La Clinica offers affordable and
excellent care for all. Medically, they
staff 13 school-based health centers with
nurse practitioners, nurses, and mental
health therapists. The centers help with
anything from a scraped knee to sports
physicals and annual medical visits, and
kids don’t have to miss school. They also
reach out to the seasonal worker com-
munity with medical and dental care,
helping adults and children.
The Happy Smiles program serves 27
regional schools, helping over 28,000
children since its inception. Kids receive
annual, age-appropriate dental health
education. With parental permission,
they also receive in-depth dental screen-
ings, and fluoride varnishes. Some
children qualify for sealants, and those
requiring additional dental services are
referred to their dentist or La Clinica’s
dental program. And yes, the set of giant
teeth and oversized toothbrush are still
used and still bring smiles to kid’s faces.
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