Page 56 - what a christianbelieveslastfinaltest3a_Neat
P. 56

What a Christian Believes

                1 Peter  1 v6,7 '... for a  little while you may have  had to
                suffer grief in all kinds of trials.  They have come so that
                your faith - of greater worth than gold....,  may be proved
                genuine and may result in praise, glory and honour when
                Jesus Christ is revealed.'

                Rich Faith.    James 2 v5 'Listen my dear brothers, has not
                God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world,
                to  be  rich  in  faith  and  to  inheret  the  kingdom  He
                promised those who love Him.'   Having riches in faith does
                not  necessarily  mean  having  material  riches.  Nor  is  a
                christian  being  materially  poor  necessarily  mean  there  is  a
                lack  of  faith.    They  will  inherit  riches,  maybe  in  this  life,
                definitely in the life to come.

                Sincere  Faith.        1Timothy  1  v5  'The  goal  of  (God's)
                command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a
                good  conscience  and  a  sincere  faith.'    There is nothing
                false in it.

                Holy  Faith.        Jude  20  'But  you  dear  friends,  build
                yourselves  up  in  your  most  holy  faith  and  pray  in  the
                Holy Spirit.'   It is a Holy Faith because it is a gift from a holy
                God and is to result in a Holy Life.


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