Page 7 - what a christianbelieveslastfinaltest3a_Neat
P. 7
Foundations are a critical factor in life, whether you are build-
ing a house, bringing up children, learning to operate com-
puters or grappling with reading, writing and arithmetic.
Yet when it comes to laying the foundations of the faith, the
modern Christian Church has had a very fragmented ap-
proach. In contrast, the early Church established statements
of belief known as creeds; the Apostles Creed being perhaps
the best known. Later during the Reformation, the Church of
England set out its Articles of Faith. First there were fifteen,
established in the reign of Henry VIII, then followed the Thirty
Nine Articles that have lasted to the present day. Other de-
nominations have set down their equivalents and as time has
passed these statements of belief have grown into substantial
works of scholarship, such as the Westminster Confession.
Such works, whether because of their magnitude or their use
of historical language and obscure imagery, have not pro-
vided sufficient clarity to a new believer in the 21st century
when he or she asks “so what is it that we believe?” The
modern day denominations and networks, in their desire to
be relevant, have often produced material that, whilst easy to
follow, has emphasised the values of their own traditions
alongside Biblical truth.
The characteristics of any kind of foundations are straightfor-
ward. They have to be strong and immovable, largely invisi-
ble once laid and have the stability to carry everything which
will be built upon them. A child who is thoroughly versed in
the three ‘R’s’ will be able to handle the more complex issues
of education and learning. A house well founded will resist
wind, rain and tempest. Christians, well founded on the ele-
mentary doctrines of Christianity, will be able to build the truth
into their lives, whilst having the resources to withstand the
trials of life that come to us all. In addition, the adventure of
faith that the Christian life is surely meant to be, can become
normal daily living.