Page 98 - final working of the ultimate healer
P. 98
Healing Meditation.
When you sit for healing meditation for the purpose of
directing the healing to others, then, the procedure is the same as for
any meditation except that the theme is different. This meditation is
normally employed when there is Absent or Distant Healing involved.
Earlier we spoke of Absent Healing and how there is a book listing all
the names of those who wish to be included for healing but cannot
attend the Centre or come to you as a Spiritual Healer for various
reasons, or that you cannot go to them.
When sitting to seek Spiritual Healing to be directed to these
people, you may find that it is sufficient that the Absent Healing list is
left close by you or you may feel a need to read, either quietly or
aloud, the names on that list. Whatever you feel you need to do you
must do. Remember that the commitment was already made on behalf
of those people by the person who placed, or requested to be placed,
the name in the book in the first place. There is no reason to assume
that your voice might be better heard than theirs, all you may do is
endorse their request in your own way. When you enter your
meditation you may ask of your Spirit Friends that the necessary
healing be sent to those people whose names are on the list but
remember also that there are many others that have nobody to
intercede on their behalf and therefore you may also include a thought
for those.
The Spirit Friends who attend you when you are engaged in