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SEAsonal highLI ghts: EGGS
WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HOW DOES THE CHICKEN’S DIET free-range kin are allowed to roam outside.
BROWN EGGS AND WHITE EGGS? AFFECT ITS EGGS? So, before grabbing free-range eggs with
In terms of taste and nutrition, nothing. Some farmers give their free-range hens a diet abandon, thoughtful shoppers may want to
The breed of chicken determines a shell's rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which is transferred research the outdoor conditions of some
color. Different breeds produce an egg with to the eggs, or an organic diet, so their eggs poultry farms.
a particular hue. That’s the only difference. are free of conventional pesticides, animal
Despite what you may have heard, brown byproducts, sewage runoff, and synthetic Remember, the nutrition and taste of most
eggs aren’t healthier than white eggs. Most fertilizers. On the other hand, farmers that eggs are the same, so you can’t go wrong
there. Now crack open a few eggs of any
of the eggs you get at the supermarket have raise chickens using traditional practices give color and enjoy!
the same taste and nutritional value. the chickens feed that is designed to provide
them with all the nutrition needed. Source:
A hen’s diet will determine the fl avor and THE SAME THING AS FREE-RANGE
color of the yolk. Some hens are allowed to These are two different ways of living indoors eggs/#:~:text=Although%20antibiotics%20
roam free and have a diet of insects, grass, —in a cage or outside a cage. A cage-free are%20rarely%20used,says%20nothing%20
and vegetables. This high-protein, nutrient- chicken has unfettered access to food and about%20humane%20treatment.
rich menu tends to produce a more fl avorful water in the barn. Unfortunately, many cage-
egg with a deep-yellow yolk. free hens live in overcrowded barns where
movement is very diffi cult. In contrast, their
Have you wondered what those vivid green Garlic scapes are versatile. They can be used
serpentine strands that have just popped raw or cooked in a wide variety of dishes. Its
up at your local farmers market are but mild garlic fl avor makes the garlic scape an
were too shy to ask about them? Wonder excellent foundation for pesto. Garlic lovers
no more. Here’s your crash course in can blend them with olive oil, Parmesan, pine
garlic scapes. nuts, and salt for a bold pesto. Those who
aren’t as adventurous can create the sauce with
Those verdant curls are the stalks that grow
from hardneck garlic bulbs. If allowed to half basil and half garlic scapes. Chopped and
mature, the garlic scapes would bloom sautéed pieces make great additions to frittatas,
into fl owers. But, until recently, farmers pizzas, and braised meats. Uncooked, thinly
threw away the scapes to ensure the garlic sliced scapes perk up salad dressings, boost
plant puts all its energy into producing the butter, and add an interesting dimension to
garlic bulb. However, now garlic scapes sauces and soups. Add garlic scapes to dishes
are captured before they ripen. As a result, that you usually enhance with garlic or chives,
this early harvest produces a mild, sweet and you’ll come up with some inventive meals.
taste similar to that of a scallion but with Want to try garlic scapes for yourself? Check
the kick of garlic. These vegetables are out our recipe “Stir-Fried Garlic Scapes” in
plentiful and at their peak fl avor from late “From the Kitchen.”
spring into early summer. Source:
Because the bud, the bulge at one end of
the stalk, is fi brous, it’s usually removed. ingredients/article/garlic-scapes
Scapes are tough, so thin slices are best for
raw dishes. garlic-scapes-and-how-to-use-them-4783219