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People who have always wanted to try garden- plots, so frequent watering is important. the roots to sit in the bucket and the plant to
ing but had more interest than space should Adequate drainage is essential for root system be suspended. If you aren’t too handy, you
consider vertical gardening and hydroponics. development and keeping root rot at bay. can purchase hydroponic gardening kits from
home improvement stores.
A vertical garden uses manufactured Peas, tomatoes, and cucumbers grow very well
structures, not the earth, as a base on a vertically. However, while melons and squashes Hydroponic gardening works best with
vertical plane. With this form of agriculture, will fl ourish, they need physical support. plants with short roots, such as lettuce,
people with physical and spatial limitations Because it doesn’t use soil, a hydroponic greens, and herbs.
can produce their own herbs, vegetables, garden is an excellent option for apartment, With vertical and hydroponic gardening, a
fl owers, or plants. In addition, when indoors, dorm, and mobile home dwellers. It’s also a lack of space won’t keep you from enjoying
these plots provide décor, fi ltration of air smart option for people who want to harvest your own fresh produce.
pollution, and humidity in winter. herbs and vegetables all year long. In the
Walls, fences, posts, and trees are frequent simplest version of the hydroponic garden, Source:
foundations for these gardens. Some creatives the roots of a plant sit in a tank of nutrient-
enlist old bicycles, ladders, and wooden pallets rich water, and the greenery is held above plans-ideas/vertical-gardening/
as bases. Plants grown in vertical gardens the tank. If DIY is your thing, you can punch
get more sun and air than in traditional holes in the lid of a lidded bucket to allow agriculture/2018/vertical_gardening.html
Nutrition NOte:
spotlight on superfOOds: NUTRITION AND MENTAL HEALTH
FERMENTED FOODS We know that old saying, “You are what you Make healthy choices easy when you are
stressed or know you have limited time
eat,” but have you thought about how what
you eat affects your mental and emotional to prepare a meal. Stress signifi cantly
health? Growing evidence suggests a strong contributes to cravings for highly processed
connection between the gastrointestinal foods, especially those high in salt and
system and brain health. simple carbohydrates. Stocking your kitchen
with pre-cut fruits and vegetables, snacks
Our guts are responsible for many bodily
functions, including the creation of chemicals containing protein and whole grains, bagged
called neurotransmitters. They carry messages salads, frozen or canned vegetables, and meal
between the brain and the rest of the body kits allow you to eat healthy foods with little
to control sleep, appetite, pain, mood, and effort. In addition, removing some prep
emotion. This close relationship is referred to work can help you maintain healthy habits.
as the gut-brain axis. Dietary modifi cations are only one part of
Since what we eat is closely linked to our brain treating any disease or chronic condition. If
health, your good emotional and mental you or someone you know are experiencing
health depend on consuming a balanced diet. symptoms of a mental health crisis, help
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is available. Call or text 988 or chat at
recommends a diet that includes omega-3 for professional guidance
fatty acids, complex carbohydrates, fruits, and support.
and vegetables. It also promotes limiting Source:
highly processed foods, especially those with
high amounts of sugar and salt. nutritional-psychiatry-your-brain-on-
Add spices like garlic, turmeric, and ginger food-201511168626
to your meals if you miss the sweet, salty, and
other intense fl avors from processed foods. newarchives/ND21p36.shtml
They are also fl avorful sources of antioxidants
and anti-infl ammatories.