Page 3 - BrockCoNewsletterMayJune-2023-R1.indd
P. 3

        Strolling along an easily-navigable pathway   Labyrinth walking is a form of active
        is one of the best ways to ease your mind.   meditation. Several scientifi c studies of
        Labyrinth walking has been bringing peace   active  meditation  found this  practice
        to its devotees for thousands of years, but   reduces  blood  pressure,  heart  rate,  and
        its scientifi cally-proven health benefi ts have   muscle tension. Medical centers primarily
        attracted a new crop of fans.       use them to help patients manage grief,
        Labyrinths are not complex games like   relax, and reduce stress.
        mazes. Instead, there is only one path to   More and more hospitals, universities,
        follow to the center and out of it. For more   and  religious  organizations  are  laying
        than 4,000 years, labyrinths have been built   out labyrinths for the benefi t of the
        in specifi c patterns that lead walkers into a   community.  To  fi nd  one  near  you,  visit
        meditative mindset.       

        Like other forms of meditation, the   Source:
        labyrinth calms the mind, focuses the brain,   https://www.verywellfi
        and reduces anxiety. As walkers move along   labyrinth-3435825#:~:text=Labyrinth%20
        the simple path, breathing deepens, and   walking%20is%20an%20ancient,a%20
        tension is released. Then, like the “Aha!”   spiritual%20question%20or%20prayer.
        moment you may experience in the shower
        or while washing dishes, inspiration or

        solutions to diffi cult problems bubble to   0/23311908.2018.1495036
        the surface of your mind.
                                                                                  ask the rdN:

                                                                                  IS IT NECESSARY TO TAKE A
                                                                                  PROBIOTIC SUPPLEMENT?
                                                                                  Probiotics are the “good” bacteria in our
                                                                                  gut. Most people do not need a probiotic
                                                                                  supplement because, if they consume a varied
                                                                                  and  balanced  diet,  they should  meet  those
                                                                                  needs. If possible, get probiotics through
                                                                                  whole foods like yogurt, kefi r, sauerkraut,
                                                                                  and kimchi. However, those with IBS,
                                                                                  constipation or UTIs may benefi t from
                                                                                  supplementation. If you are experiencing
                                                                                  digestion trouble, you should work with
                                                                                  your doctor to determine the best action.
                                                                                  Additionally, managing your sleep, stress, and
                                                                                  exercising contribute to gut health. You can’t
                                                                                  out-supplement unhealthy habits.
                                                                                  SHOULD I BE TAKING A DAILY
                                                                                  You can obtain essential vitamins through a
                                                                                  varied and balanced diet. For example, you
                                                                                  can easily get what you need by consuming a
                                                                                  diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and whole
                                                                                  grains. If you feel defi cient, speak with your
                                                                                  health provider to determine the best action to
                                                                                  remedy this.
                                                                                  Have a question? Send it to
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