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An old seasoning is the new popular answer More complex furikakes include dehydrated
to the eternal search for quick ways to liven eggs, wasabi, nori, sardines, meat, yuzu, and
up meals. curry powder. Check your local Asian grocery
store or a good general supermarket for a
Japan’s population nearly doubled in the
fi rst two decades of the 1900s, straining wide variety of furikakes. Some industrious
the tiny nation’s food supplies. To alleviate cooks make their own versions. Starting
widespread malnourishment, a pharmacist with a base of sesame seeds, bonito fl akes,
created a mixture of dried fi sh bones, poppy and toasted nori seaweed fl akes, many toss
seeds, toasted sesame seeds, and powdered in dried anchovies or shrimp, salt, sugar, and
green seaweed to sprinkle on white rice. chili fl akes. One commercial brand even uses
This calcium-rich blend was the forefather bits of a fl avored tortilla chip. So why not be
of furikake. adventurous and experiment with fl avors in
your pantry? This seasoning is generally safe
Today, furikake is basically a mixture of sesame forever, but the taste is best for two months.
seeds, seaweed, herbs, fi sh fl akes, and salt. The
nutty-fi shy taste is waking up mild-fl avored Source:
foods around the world. Fans add it to pasta,
vegetable, popcorn, dip, and egg dishes. seasoning-you-ll-want-to-sprinkle-on-everything
spotlight on superfOOds:
You may not know it, but some of your favorite Remember, not all fermented foods bring
foods like cheese, sauerkraut, and yogurt have the same benefi ts. For example, while
been supplying essential nutrients with each cheese is fermented, it doesn’t give you the
bite. These fermented foods are bursting with same benefi ts as yogurt or kefi r. The live
probiotics. These microorganisms live in your microbes are what make the difference. You’ll
colon but keep major systems in your body also receive similar benefi ts from kimchi,
working effectively. sauerkraut, and naturally-fermented pickles.
To ensure that fermented foods contain
Fermentation, a process where bacteria and
yeast break down sugars, was initially used good bacteria, buy products with “naturally
to preserve foods. It began in 6,000 B.C. in fermented” on the label.
the Middle East, but since then, almost every Because every type of food can be fermented,
region has used the practice to protect and you can consume them at breakfast, lunch,
create foods. or dinner. You can incorporate fermented
Kimchi, pickles, miso, and chutney are foods into your meals by adding pickled
popular fermented foods. In addition, kefi r vegetables as a topping to your salad,
and kombucha are fermented drinks that are mixing sauerkraut into a sandwich, or
growing in demand. blending miso into cookies.
It’s great that there are so many types of Source:
fermented foods because they are so good for
you. These foods and beverages can improve fermented-foods
digestion and immunity. They’re also anti-
infl ammatories, reducing the risk of heart healthy/fermented-foods-can-add-depth-to-
disease and cancer. your-diet