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Calcium is a mineral most people associate greens, beans, nuts, edamame, canned fi sh like
with bone and teeth health. While that is a sardines or salmon, and fortifi ed drinks. A few
correct connection, calcium is also essential for servings of spinach or chunks of fortifi ed tofu
blood clotting, heart function, nerve function, will fulfi ll your daily calcium requirement.
and muscle contraction. Consuming medications like prednisone
About 99% of the body’s calcium is stored in and high amounts of sodium, phosphoric
the bones, so low calcium intake can lead to acid (found in sodas), alcohol, and oxalates,
poor bone mass and osteoporosis in adults will interfere with the body’s ability to
and stunted growth in children. When part of absorb calcium.
the body besides the bones needs calcium, the Calcium defi ciency occurs gradually because
body releases it from the bones and sends it to the body takes the calcium it needs from
the trouble spot. As a result, calcium-defi cient the bones daily. Contact your primary care
bones must be replenished. Bones can be physician if you think you are not getting
chronically low in calcium if the mineral’s enough calcium. Alternatively, work with a
intake is generally low because the body will registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) to
“take” it from them. The RDA for adults aged increase your calcium intake with food.
19 to 50 is 1,000 mg. That amount goes up
20% after age 70. Women over 50 should aim Source:
to increase their calcium intake to about 1,200
mg, as they are at a higher risk for osteoporosis. nutritionsource/calcium/
Dairy products are just one of the good defi ciency-disease#symptoms
sources of calcium. You can fi nd it in leafy
From the Kitchen:
• 10 oz. garlic scapes, cut into 2-inch pieces Heat a large pan over medium heat and add
• 1 Tablespoon neutral-tasting oil oil. Once the oil is hot, add garlic scapes and
• 2 Tablespoons soy sauce cook for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.
• 1 Tablespoon rice wine In a bowl, combine the soy sauce, rice wine,
• 1 Tablespoon water water, and 1 teaspoon of sugar. Add the
mixture to the pan, reducing the heat to
• 1 Tablespoon + 1 teaspoon sugar
• 1 teaspoon sesame oil
Cook for 2 to 3 more minutes, until the scapes
• ½ teaspoon sesame seeds
are tender, and the sauce has reduced. Add
Nutrition Information: Calories 87, the remaining sugar and stir well. Finish with
Total Fat 4g, Saturated Fat 0g, sesame oil and top with sesame seeds.
Unsaturated Fat 4g, Cholesterol 0mg,
Sodium 277mg, Carbohydrates 11g, Adapted from: https://www.koreanbapsang.
Fiber 2.5g, Sugar 4g, Protein 2g com/maneuljjong-hodu-bokkeum-stir-fried/