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S sonal high ghts: JAR SALADS
Tired of wilted, soggy salads? Jar salads are the This order keeps greens fresh and avoids • Be Creative: Experiment with di erent
answer. They’re not just for lunch—they’re sogginess. Don’t shake the jar until you’re ready ingredients to keep meals interesting.
an easy, fresh, and creative meal option any to eat. If your jar is wide enough, you can dig in • Stay Healthy: Packed with fresh veggies,
time of day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even directly—less cleanup! proteins, and grains, they’re a nutritious
a snack, jar salads let you enjoy healthy eating PERFECT FOR EVERY MEAL choice.
without the mess.
Jar salads aren’t just for lunches. They’re great for: • Save Time: Prep meals ahead and reduce
THE SECRET TO A FRESH SALAD • Breakfast: Try layering yogurt, granola, stress during busy weeks.
The magic of jar salads lies in how they’re packed. and fruit.
By layering the ingredients in the correct order, READY TO TRY IT?
you keep everything crisp and delicious until it’s • Dinner: A hearty salad with grilled With some prep, jar salads can be your go-to
time to eat. Here’s how to do it: chicken, roasted veggies, and grains makes meal for any time of day. They’re easy to make,
a fi lling meal. portable, and endlessly customizable. Grab
1. Dressing: Start with your favorite dressing a jar, get layering, and enjoy fresh, delicious
or oil and vinegar. • Snacks: Keep a mini jar salad in the fridge salads whenever you need them!
2. Wet Ingredients: Add sliced tomatoes, for a quick, healthy bite.
cucumbers, or fruits. Because the jar seals tightly, your salad stays Source:
3. Sturdy Ingredients/Proteins: Layer fresh for days. Make a few at once for grab-and-
chicken cubes, nuts, cheese, or beans. go convenience anytime. how-make-jar-salad
4. Grains or Croutons: Add cooked quinoa, WHY JAR SALADS ARE WORTH IT
rice, farro, or croutons. Jar salads aren’t just convenient—they’re
5. Greens: Top it o with lettuce, spinach, customizable, healthy, and fun!
or arugula.
p duce pick: ARUGULA
Arugula might not be the first leafy green you Think of it as a spinach substitute or even a bold
think of, but you should keep it in your regular herb to add a punch of flavors to your dishes.
rotation. It’s packed with flavor and nutrients, If you prefer a milder taste, try baby arugula.
making it a smart choice for any meal. It is picked earlier, so the leaves are tender and
Arugula is a leafy green with roots in the less peppery than the mature version.
Mediterranean, which is why you will often Arugula isn’t just tasty – it’s packed with nutrients!
find it on slices of gourmet pizza or as the base
for pesto. Today, it’s grown around the world, • Vitamins: A and K
with its peak seasons in spring and fall. • Minerals: Iron and calcium
Before you grab a bag, keep this in mind: an • Other Benefits: Loaded with antioxidants
unopened bag of arugula lasts about five days and anti-infl ammatory compounds
in the fridge, but once opened, it’s best to use Plus, it is part of the same family as cabbage
it within three. So, plan ahead to avoid waste!
and kale, which are known for their nutritional
Arugula’s delicate, peppery leaves are perfect powerhouses. Whether you eat it raw, sauté it,
for salads, but the vegetable can do more. or puree it in a sauce, arugula is a great way to
• Sandwiches: Add it for a fl avorful crunch. level up your meals.
• Soups: Stir in some leaves at the end for a
fresh fi nish.
• Pasta: Toss with olive oil, parmesan, and
cherry tomatoes.